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良序定理(Well-ordering theorem)

定义:每个非空集合中发非负整数都一定有一个最小的数 良序关系的利用: 例一:      例二证明:任何大于1的整数均可被表示成一串唯一素数之乘积 For Q1: Proof:假设不是素数乘积的正整数构成了一个 set(集合),那么在 set 中必存在最小值 m(利用上面的良序定理) 而且 m 必不是素数,因为若 m

IdentityServer4 如何修改绑定路径 ,修改.well-known/openid-configuration 返回的前缀

4.0已经删除了以下属性,所以这样不行 services.AddIdentityServer(options => { //4.0已经删除此属性 options.PublicOrigin = "https://my.id.server"; });   正确的是直接使用ASP.NET Core转发标头方法: app.Use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.SetIdentityServerOri

PouchDB —— build applications that work as well offline

1. synax 1.0 intro <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equi


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第6期答案汇总   Ryan Hreljac is a boy living in Canada. Without his help, hundreds of wells that now provide fresh water for people in Africa, Central America and India might never have been built. Ryan is what you might

AI chatbot technology review

Meta is a hotspot in last year and lots of companines keen on build a super Meta world to replace real world. More and more product can be created based on this concept. 【1】introduce a virtual human 陈水若 that can make a virtual conversition with huma

1.27 英语翻译打卡 climbing worm

链接:Climbing Worm | JXNUOJ An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it slips down d inches. The process of climbing and

Nginx 配置apple-app-site-association

ios突然给我发了如上链接和一个json,说他那边需要放一个 apple-app-site-association 文件用来支持他那边的功能,文件不需要后缀。 先说一下要求:线上官网的地址后面跟上他所需要文件的地址,比如 www.baidu.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association,可以下载该文件。 添加配置文件

Have a Happy Drive with Exterior and Interior LED Lights

A correct choice of interior and exterior accessories can never go wrong it will always make your car achieve a sense of betterment with looks and technical advancement. Since LEDs are fashionable and trending they are sprouting well in both interiors and

c++ string类

一.string类的构造函数 1.需要用到的头文件 #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; 2. 函数实例 string one("Lottery Winner!"); //直接将字符串赋值给string类 cout << one << endl; //Lottery Winner!


the top of mount 山顶 pay attention to do sth. 专心于某事 fix this computer with ease 修电脑很容易 be careful of stranger 小心陌生人 flip to the next moth on the calendar 将日历翻到下一个月 explore the dark cave 探索漆黑的洞穴 donate books and toys 捐赠书籍

Online Private Class-Teacher Feedback - 20 minutes

Date 01/09/2021 Topic Telling stories Status Task achieved Teacher Lance L. Teacher's Note Overall Eistert, thank you for choosing a lesson on Telling stories. I had a good time working with you and you gave good responses answering my questions abou

well tap cells的结构以及如何在物理设计流程中放置他们

well tap cell是为了防止CMOS设计中的闩锁效应 well tap cell的N井连接VDD P衬底连接VSS,没有逻辑功能,是physical only cells之一; structure 用处 在早期没有well tap cell的时候,每个标准单元都要一个N井连VDD,P衬底连VSS(接地),但是这种结构很耗费面积,之后一种Tapless


最近在某云平台上申请了SSL证书(https),SSL证书申请或者续期过程中需要进行域名验证。 如果域名验证类型选择【文件】方式,等你提交申请后,要在目标域名对应的服务端上传一个文件(通常是一个.txt文件),然后通过公网可访问URL的方式访问这个文件,以此来证明你的域名是在你的服务器上。 即,如


[1]Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P., & Brox, T. (2015, October). U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In International Conference on Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (pp. 234-241). Springer, Cham. [2]Z

how to learn algorithm well

You did pretty well on homework 1! It does seem that you could benefit from working out the details of your algorithms more precisely. The CLRS readings would probably be helpful to see algorithms and proofs worked out in detail (which lecture may skim o

工业互联网平台 GE predix



我和Python的第一次亲密接触 下载,并打开Python Shell; 进行输入输出的测试: >>> print("i love you") #注释的方法 i love you >>> print(5+3) #注意是没有双引号的,双引号表示文本 8 >>> 5+3 #直接做加法 8 >>> 1234567890987654321*987654321123456789 #可以计算比较长

WELL HSR找标识行动起航 - 跨行业国际明星巨匠为“WELL 健康-安全评价”代言

斯派克·李(Spike Lee)执导,歌后 Lady Gaga、好莱坞明星珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)、麦克·B·乔丹(Michael B. Jordan)、罗伯特·德尼罗(Robert De Niro)、网坛传奇维纳斯·威廉姆斯(Venus Williams)、王牌级国际牛排大厨沃夫冈·帕克(Wolfgang Puck)、前美国联邦卫生部第17任公共健康


1、必须用在阿里云上注册账户,最好不要用子账户(可能会存在权限问题) 2、阿里云上登录账户 3、必须有域名,最好是有台可用的公网服务器(可以不要),本例子中有 证书网址 https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?spm=5176.15089375.5806769250.1.7fa11232b19iph&commodityCode=cas#/buy 选项   第

PHP7.3 报错: A non well formed numeric value encountered

从PHP5.6 升级为PHP7.3 后,某接口报错: A non well formed numeric value encountered   看了下,是把字符串和数字放在一起做加减乘除计算,会导致报错。。。代码如下   $commissionLevel1 = (float)($commissionSetting->level1 / 100);//$commissionSetting->level1 是个字符串:

TP5.1出现A non well formed numeric value encountered问题

TP5.1出现A non well formed numeric value encountered问题 博客说明 文章所涉及的资料来自互联网整理和个人总结,意在于个人学习和经验汇总,如有什么地方侵权,请联系本人删除,谢谢! 问题介绍 A non well formed numeric value encountered 出现这样的问题是tp5.1自动转化时间格式失


Excuse me, DR JOHNSON. May I speak to you for a minute? Sure. Come in. I'm MELANIE Griffin. I'm taking your course in Population studies. Right. Well. MELANIE how can I help you? I'm... I'm having a bit of trouble with the second assig

YoungSheldon S1E6

YoungSheldon S1E6 ♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪ ♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪ ♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪ ♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪

Bootstrap Well

Well 是一种会引起内容凹陷显示或插图效果的容器 <div>。为了创建 Well,只需要简单地把内容放在带有 class .well 的 <div> 中即可。下面的实例演示了一个默认的 Well: 实例 <div class="well">您好,我在 Well 中!</div> 尺寸大小 您可以使用可选类 well-lg 或 well-sm 来改


1、通过vim编辑器来替换 vi/vim 中可以使用 :s 命令来替换字符串。 :s/well/good/ 替换当前行第一个 well 为 good :s/well/good/g 替换当前行所有 well 为 good :n,$s/well/good/ 替换第 n 行开始到最后一行中每一行的第一个 well 为 good :n,$s/well/good/g 替换第 n 行开始到最