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工业互联网平台 GE predix



随后 ,在二十一世纪的第一个十年里,在金融危机时期,随着经济增长的不确定性增加,工业客户开始将注意力从提高生产力转向提高利润率。大数据的概念也越来越火爆,利用大数据/IOT等新技术提升和革命传统制造业是工业客户的一致选择。


工业互联网平台 GE predix

如上图,Predeix 提供一个统一的平台(软件套件,方法,安全能力),帮助工业客户开发,部署和运维工业应用到边缘侧和云端。帮助客户可靠、安全的连接设备,获取数据用于分析提高生产效率。

工业互联网平台 GE predix


PredixMachine: Predix Machine is the software layer responsible for communicating withthe industrial asset and the Predix Cloud, as well as running localapplications, like edge analytics. This component can be installed on gateways,industrial controllers and sensors.

PredixConnectivity: Predix Connectivity is for scenarios where a directInternet connection is not readily available. The service enables machines totalk to the Predix Cloud via a virtual network comprised of cellular, fixedline and satellite technologies.

PredixEdgeManager provides a comprehensive and centralized view of edgedevices that are running Predix Machine.

Predix Cloud:The Predix Cloud is a global secure cloud infrastructure that is optimizedfor industrial workloads and for meeting regulatory needs.

PredixServices: Predix provides industrial services that developers can use to build, testand run Industrial Internet applications. It also provides a catalog servicesmarketplace where developers can publish their own services as well as consumeservices from third parties.

Predix for Developers: Predix provides developers with a framework tocommunicate with services. Its modular design offers a consistent look andfeel, as well as a contextual user experience in both web and mobileapplications.



来源: https://blog.51cto.com/15127539/2662504