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文章目录 ProvidesBinds 前面介绍了,使用Inject注解构造方法,实现注入。除此之外,Dagger还提供了另外两种方式注入。 Provides 对于第三方提供的类,我们无法在构造方法上添加Inject注解。 一个汽车生产商,使用其他公司提供的发动机Engine组装汽车Car。 我使用了Inject注解Car

QT5 编译选项

./configure 配置编译通过../qt-everywhere-src-5.15.0/configure -prefix /usr/local/Qt-mips-5.15.0 -opensource -confirm-license -shared -xplatform mips-mti-linux-gnu-g++ -qt-tiff -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdec

centos 安装R报错 nothing provides **

1. 安装R报错 1 > yum install R 2 Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8 3 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64 956 kB/s | 927 kB 00:00 4 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64

工业互联网平台 GE predix


0.Qt Quick

0.Qt Quick https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-index.html   The Qt Quick module is the standard library for writing QML applications. While the Qt QML module provides the QML engine and language infrastructure, the Qt Quick module provides all the basic types

Android api,Android SDK

Package Index - Android SDK These are the API packages. See all API classes.   android Contains resource classes used by applications included in the platform and defines application permissions for system features. android.accessibilityservice The cl

Spring Session

目录 OVERVIEW综述 Features特点 Modules模块 Adding Spring Session to your build 在Build中添加Spring Session Using the BOM with Maven 与Maven一起使用BOM OVERVIEW综述     Spring Session provides an API and implementations for managing a user’s session info

2019年12月12号 王腾飞 计算机英语

RCN(remtoe computer network,远程网)telehone line(电话线)communcation channel (通信信道)Internet(互联网)Wed(环球网)world wide web(万维网)Internet service(互联网服务)remote login (远程登录)file transfer(文件输出)newsgroups(新闻组)websote(网络站点) the LAN grows into a wide are

Qt5.编译错误.error: C2338: The slot requires more arguments than the signal provides.

1、Qt563x86vs2015,遇到如下 编译错误:   error: C2338: The slot requires more arguments than the signal provides.  更多信息如下图:       ZC:一直以为是 新写的 connect关联 有什么错误,后来才发现  确实是 我写的 信号和槽 的参数不匹配,但是 并不是 我最新写的 那个con


国内: 微步:https://x.threatbook.cn/ 华为:sec.huawei.com 国外: 1. Department of Homeland Security: Automated Indicator Sharing Private companies are able to report cyber threat indicators with the DHS, which are then distributed via the Automated Indicator Sharin


1。 yum provides 和 yum search   provides是在文件中查找软件,类似于rpm -qf;   search是查找软件包或其描述的关键字。   2。 gzip  和  bzip2   对于相同文件,bzip2 压缩后的尺寸几乎总是小于gzip的压缩结果。有些时候,这个差距会相当大;   压缩同一个文件,bzip2要比gzip

Coroutine 协程

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. Coroutines are well-suited for implementing familiar program

link tag

link tag link tag最常用来读取外部资源,如 link tag可用的属性有rel、media、href、type、sizes,各说明如下 一、rel rel属性值是必须要被指定,其用来指出该外部资源与此Html document的关系, 下表列出rel可用的值之说明。 Value Description alternate Provides a link


Heartbeat :UDP 694heartbeat v2ha webnode1 , node2节点名称, /etc/hosts节点名称必须跟uname -n 命令的执行结果一致ssh互信通信时间同步Heartbeat Heartbeat subsystem for High-Availability Linuxheartbeat-devel Heartbeat development packageheartbeat-gui Provides


一:Dagger2是什么? 是一个依赖注入框架,butterknife也是一个依赖注入框架。不过butterknife,最多叫奶油刀,Dagger2被叫做利器啊,他的主要作用,就是对象的管理,其目的是为了降低程序耦合。 二:为什么要有Dagger2 public class A{ public void eat(){ System.out.print("吃饭了") }

What is OSGi?

OSGi, The Dynamic Module System for Java OSGi technology is composed of a set of specifications, a reference implementation for each specification, and a set of compliance tests for each specification that together define a dynamic module system for Java


Dagger是一种对Java和Android的静态的,编译时依赖注入(Dependency Injection)框架。 它主要用来解决很多由于大量使用反射reflection而带来的开发和性能问题。 Dagger可以用来帮你来建立之前需要写的Factory class。它主要用来代码生成。 Dagger也是根据@Inject注解来进行代码

Note: PANOPLY: Low-TCB Linux Applications with SGX Enclaves

PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating systems. What PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating systems which has low TCB and support all standard POSIX APIs. Why Enclaves have severely limited capabilities: no native access


https://blog.csdn.net/zjluobing/article/details/51489325     OpenStack项目是一个开源的云计算平台,旨在实现很简单,大规模可伸缩,功能丰富。来自世界各地云计算开发人员和技术人员共同创建OpenStack项目。OpenStack通过一组相关的服务提供一个基础设施即服务(IaaS)解决方案。