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MathProblem 25 Guess the age problem

Person x and y have the following conversation: x: I forgot how old your three kids are. y: The product of their ages is 36. x: I still don't know their ages. y: The sum of their ages is the same as your house number. x: I still don't know their


短视频直播源码,自动对上传的图片进行识别实现的相关代码 import face_recognitionimport os # 获取图片名列表# 只读取文件名以'.png'或'.jpg'或'.jpeg'结尾的图片unknow_people_list = [i for i in os.listdir('unknow_people') if (i.endswith('.jpg')) or (i.endswith(


forehead. brow furrows [垄沟]/creases/wrinkles = lines appear on the brow because of thinking or being worried an eyebrow. knit one's brow(s) = frown, 皱眉, “眉毛拧成一个疙瘩” 纹眉是利用传统的纹身术对眉毛进行美容的一种方法:针尖刺破皮肤并把不能被人体吸收的

227. Basic Calculator II

For this problem, we must know the sign just before the num. For example, s = "3+2*2", when we deal with the first 2, we must know '+' is just before it, when we deal with the second 2, we must know '*' is just before it. Acc

Git教程3-undo your changes

I didn't really know how I can name this chapter so basically I used the worst name,perhaps. I don't really have a website to show you even though we need codes of a website to help explain how git works in this situation,but I'm just too l


第一次见,后面知道这是 Latex 公式符号 对照表: 拼接取每个首字母得到最终 flag flag{Play_with_LaTex}

The creative power of your intuition

So I am here to recruit you to the liberation movement. Now don’t worry. This is not the uniform that you have to wear. recruit 招募 liberation 解放 You can come as yourself So you’re probably wondering. Well, what are we being libearted from? We ar


Obama A: Welcome back, talk to our President Obama. I wanna talk about some lighter stuff about dealing with the pressure of being President. Now,I know you quit smoking. B: I did. I did. It’s better to quit. A: It’s out? B: It;s out. A: All right.

Machine Learning Week_7 Support Vector Machines

目录1 Large Margin Classification1.1 Optimization Objective1.2 Large Margin Intuition1.3 Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification2 Kernels2.1 Kernels I2.2 Kernels II3 SVMS In Practice3.1 Using An SVM 1 Large Margin Classification 1.1 Optimization Obje

找名人 277. Find the Celebrity

Suppose you are at a party with n people (labeled from 0 to n - 1), and among them, there may exist one celebrity. The definition of a celebrity is that all the other n - 1 people know him/her, but he/she does not know any of them. Now you want to find

UML快速概述 - All you need to know about UML

UML 是统一建模语言的缩写,就像使用一组图表来可视化软件建模的蓝图(或设计计划)。它不仅可以让您彻底评估整个概念,还可以确保团队中的每个人都在同一页面上。       UML 图可以组织成两个不同的组。 结构图与行为图 结构图 (Structure Diagram) 描绘了系统的静态方面,它

下载know your data 数据集

1.配置虚拟环境(python版本仅支持3.6-3.9) conda create -n fiftyone python=3.6 2.安装fiftyone pip install fiftyone 3.安装其他模块 Pip install tqdm   创建虚拟环境: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/94744929

Great books for learning C++

Great books for learning C++ Here are three great books for learning C++ – whether you know C++ already or not, and whether you even know how to program in any language or not, you’ll find the book that’s right for you.


你能明白我的意思吗?千万不要说,Can you understand me?,这句话一般用于比自己地位低的人,否则不太礼貌,虽然语法没有错误。有一点,表达别人的理解能力有点问题的意思。 也不要说,Do you know my meaning? 中式英语。 应该说: Do you get what I'm saying? Are you with me? Got it? Do y










“知识的诅咒”定义: 你不能想象自己知道某个知识之前和之后这两种情况下的状态了, 你不能想象自己知道某个知识和别人不知道这个知识这两种情况下的状态了。 你知道某个知识,事情,自以为是的认为别人也应该知道这个知识,事情。那么你就被这个知识诅咒了。 这种诅咒对你和别人之间的

Ninth season twenty-first episode,Chandler and Monica may never have children??????

[Scene: Central Perk] Monica: It's so weird, how did Joey end up kissing Charlie last night? I thought you'd end up kissing Charlie. Ross: Hey, I thought I'd end up kissing Charlie too ok? But SURPRISE! Chandler: I missed most of the party


最近五一放假,回家小休。恰好姨姨家一年级大的小女孩来我家小住。几件事情很有意思。 我正在看电脑,临近中午到了该吃饭的时候,小女孩拿着一个猕猴桃干悄悄推开我房间的门,可怜巴巴的说:哥哥吃饭了,说着还把猕猴桃干递给我,不知为啥,当时居然还有一丝小感动。我苦笑着说了声谢谢。其


我会在这里记录一下自己学习代数时遇到的各种问题。长期更新(也许吧) 环 McCoy定理的证明 在学代数的时候发现了一个有趣的定理。 Theorem Let \(R\) be a commutative ring, and let \(f(x)\) be a zero-divisor in \(R[x]\). Then there \(\exists b \in R, b \neq 0\), such that

How many tables HDU 1213

Today is Ignatius’ birthday. He invites a lot of friends. Now it’s dinner time. Ignatius wants to know how many tables he needs at least. You have to notice that not all the friends know each other, and all the friends do not want to stay with stranger

CISSP考试指南笔记:7.12 实施灾难恢复

Recovering from a disaster begins way before the event occurs. It starts by anticipating threats and developing goals that support the business’s continuity of operations. A goal must contain certain key information, such as the following: Responsibility

HackTheBox 复现系列:I know Mag1k

前言 在自己进行测试的时候,尝试了目录扫描,爆破弱口令,SQL注入测试,无果。完成没有头绪,通过谷歌发现此篇文章 https://medium.com/@mrkarthik07/i-know-mag1k-a-padding-oracle-attack-745d3b0bb2b1 发现是利用 Padding Oracle attack 来解密 Cookie。太高级看不懂如下: 我对Padding