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  1. forehead. brow furrows [垄沟]/creases/wrinkles = lines appear on the brow because of thinking or being worried
  2. an eyebrow. knit one's brow(s) = frown, 皱眉, “眉毛拧成一个疙瘩”


Times have changed since the Ultra Thin eyebrows of the 1990s and now we’re in the golden age of bigger, fuller brows—not quite woolly bear territory, though. So whether you’re planning an attack with tweezers, threads, razors, or wax, you’re gonna need to know that secret formula. Make those eyebrows do their job. Make them accentuate your beautiful facial features; they answer to you now. We hope this guide demystifies perfect eyebrow shapes and all their hidden secrets. Who knows, maybe you know a couple of woolly bear caterpillars that might want a quick trim. 

threads... 开脸,也叫做开面、绞面、绞脸。是古代中国女子在出嫁前必须经过的一道环节,指的是女子出嫁时去净脸和脖子上的汗毛、修齐鬓角的过程。用一根长线,两头系在一块打上结,绕几个交叉,成“剪刀”状,开脸人用双手的食指和拇指绷紧,并用牙咬着线的一端,把线贴着女孩的脸,两手和嘴同时向外撑开,就把脸上的汗毛绞下来了。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15923930.html