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A: Welcome back, talk to our President Obama. I wanna talk about some lighter stuff about dealing with the pressure of being President. Now,I know you quit smoking.
B: I did. I did. It’s better to quit.

A: It’s out?
B: It;s out.
A: All right. Remember you are under oath.
B: I am.

A: So … so tell me how you cope with the daily pressure. How does… Big on exercise. Work out in the morning with Michelle.
B: We’ve got a little gym in the White House. She’s in better shape than me, though.So…

A: And she’s very competitive?
B: She is. And so it’s embarrassing sometimes. She will get up there a half an hour earlier than me. She will have already run 10 miles or something. ANd I’m, you know staggering up to the gym. As President, everything is public. And I turned on the news last night, and I see my President at a very famous restaurant here in Los Angeles called “Roscoes Chicken and Waffles”

A: Now, I think you ordered the Country Boy Special. What is that?
B: Wings and waffles.
A: Wings. So…
B: WIth hot sauce.So the fried chicken wings, waffles with syrup and hot sauce.

A: Now, is Michelle… I mean, she’s sitting back, watching the news. Here you are scarfing down the waffles.
B: Originally, it was just a way to ,you know, be out there and say hi to everybody,
A:but once we got in the car, it smelled pretty good.
B: So, I’m eating the wings, get the hot sauce on there. You know, the fancy presidential limousine… smelling like chicken. ANd we were actually going to a fund-raiser with Willl Smith and Jada. And I didn’t realize it was so close. So, suddenly, we pull up and my sleeves were rolled up, and I got a spot on my tie. And my fingers are… I’m looking for one of those Wet Ones to see chicken on my teeth. Anyway, it was not elegant, but outstanding chicken.

wings 鸡翅 waffles 华夫饼 sauce 调味汁 syrup 糖水 sleeves 袖子
引自 扇贝听力美文

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/xiaoxinxin2017/article/details/121962456