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Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final

java的lambda表达式里不能出现变量,必须是final修饰的,但是可以让变量在定义时候计算【新函数】出结果,这样就不算变量了。可以使用lambda表达式,不再报错。 例如 boolean flag = false; flag = list.size()>10;//赋值 taskExecutor.execute(() -> { if(flag){ //业务代码


参考:https://www.jianshu.com/p/b2c0192e6267 举例:初始化数据 PUT mmm/_doc/1 { "name": "北京", "ct": "2022-08-01" } PUT mmm/_doc/2 { "name": "上海", "ct": "2022-08-10" } PUT mmm/_


学习了好几遍的设计模式,为了防止自己遗忘,做一下笔记,总结一下,自己学习过的设计模式,如果有什么错误,敬请谅解。 单一职责原则 描述:A class or module should have a single responsibility 中文:一个类或者模块只负责完成一个职责(或者功能)。 注意,这个原则描述的对象包含两个,一个是

Vue中经常出现 报错:Component name “xxxx“ should always be multi-word.

报错:Component name “xxxx” should always be multi-word.意思是说组件名"xxxx"应该总是多个单词,其实就是eslint报出我的组件名称命名不规范,应该采用驼峰命名法。 解决方法就是在vue.config.js文件中写入lintOnSave:false,修改完毕后重启项目即可  


SLINT Mission Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++, and JavaScript. OUR DESIGN GOALS ARE: Strai

【Python编程基础练习】 Python编程基础练习100题学习记录第二期(11~20)

1.此为GitHub项目的学习记录,记录着我的思考,代码基本都有注释。 2.可以作为Python初学者巩固基础的绝佳练习,原题有些不妥的地方我也做了一些修正。 3.建议大家进行Python编程时使用英语。 4.6~17题为level1难度,18-22题为level3难度,其余都为level1难度。 项目名称: 100+ Python chal

线段树之区间更新The Child and Sequence

Description At the children's day, the child came to Picks's house, and messed his house up. Picks was angry at him. A lot of important things were lost, in particular the favorite sequence of Picks. Fortunately, Picks remembers how to repair t

elasticsearch 介绍、查询及使用(must、should)

创建索引 {  "mappings": {    "properties": {        "id": {"type":"keyword"}, "pname": {"type":"text", "analyzer": "ik_max_word", "search_anal

pandas :按另一列的值移动一列

我们可以使用 numba解决方案: from numba import jit @jit def dyn_shift(s, step): assert len(s) == len(step), "[s] and [step] should have the same length" assert isinstance(s, np.ndarray), "[s] should have [numpy.ndarray] dtype" assert

How to take safety protection measures for infants and young children in nurseries

When parents choose a nursery school, there is an important indicator, that is, "is your nursery school safe?".  Go To Get Link  As we all know, nurseries receive children aged 6-36 months. The autonomy of children in this age group is not matu

[Professional C# 7] Use of Properties and Methods

➤ Client code should be able to read its value. Write-only properties are not recommended, so, for exam-ple, use a SetPassword method, not a write-only Password property. ➤ Reading the value should not take too long. The fact that something is a property

Why use nested classes?

Why use nested classes in C# code? Enable encapsulation Many times nested classes are implementation details of the class. Users of the main class should not have to care about their existence. You should be able to change them at will without requiring t

OPERA Database Alert "Oracle TNS Listener Remote Poisoning" (Doc ID 2278929.1)

APPLIES TO: Oracle Hospitality OPERA 5 Property Services - Version 5.4.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. GOAL The document will explain how to correct the alert Vulnerability issue name as "Oracle TNS Listener Remote Po


一、设计模式总览 创建型模式(Creational Patterns) 单例(Singleton)模式 原型(Prototype)模式 工厂方法(FactoryMethod)模式 抽象工厂(AbstractFactory)模式 建造者(Builder)模式 行为型模式(Behavioral Patterns) 模板方法(Template Method)模式 策略(Strategy)模式 命令(Command)模式 职责链(Ch


Reviewer #1: To build a shared learning model for training parameters at the distributed edge to protect data privacy, a novel distributed hierarchical tensor depth optimization algorithm is designed in this paper. The mold parameters in a high-dimensiona

ES minimum_should_match

最近在处理关键词匹配文章的项目,比如给定“Ukip Vimpat applies” 查询指定的title中含有至少2个词的内容 # 查看分词情况 POST _analyze { "analyzer": "standard", "text": [ "Ukip Vimpat applies" ] }     如下是分词的结果     在10w级数量上查询包含至


最近研究光纤传输,发现对于SGMII、1000BASE-X的概念很容易模糊,网上各种查资料也不是很清楚,在此把搜集到的一些信息贴出来,以供参考。 来自Xilinx 论坛:https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/General-Technical-Discussion/Ethernet-1000base-X-VS-SGMII/td-p/483338 Registered: ‎07-3


概念 条件状语从句使用虚拟语气时,要注意假设的时间,即现在、过去、将来。虚拟语气在条件状语从句中有三种变化,主句也有三种变化。 主句谓语变化规则: 过去时:should/would/might/could do 现在时:should/would/might/could have done 将来时:should/would/might/could do 从句谓语变

NVIDIA NVML Driver/library version mismatch CUDA

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43022843/nvidia-nvml-driver-library-version-mismatch   As @etal said, rebooting can solve this problem, but I think a procedure without rebooting will help. For Chinese, check my blog -> 中文版 The error message NV

2022年雅思口语题库1月-4月汇总(2)part 2&3旧题汇总(1)People/Animal(1)

https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 一个巧妙解决某个问题的人 Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem. You should say: Who the person is When you met this person What the problem was And explain why you think it was a clever solut

2022年雅思口语题库1月-4月汇总(1)part 2&3 新题汇总(1)

来源:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一个在社交媒体上关注的人 Describe a person you follow on social media You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she posts on social media And explain why you follow him/her on social med

报错:error Component name “XX“ should always be multi-word &&[vue-router] uncaught error during route

文章目录 1.error Component name "XX" should always be multi-word2.[vue-router] uncaught error during route 、RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded 1.error Component name “XX” should always be multi-word 当Vue项目中的组件不是多单词组成时,会被e

Wolfson stereo codec——WM8978

1. The WM8978 digital audio interface can operate as a master or a slave. 2. An internal PLL can generate all required audio clocks for the CODEC from common reference clock frequencies, such as 12MHz and 13MHz. 3. 5-band Equaliser(record or playback) 4.

ORA-28009:connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA OR SYSOPER解决方法

错误提示里的大致意思:作为sys的连接应该是SySDBA或Sysopor所以,我们在登录的时候,可以试一下:sys as sysdba  //数据库连接地址 private static String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; //用户名 private static String username= "sys as sysd


编写一个完整的测试用例 特性: 在文件进行保存后,用例会自动执行; 当第一个断言失败后,后面的断言就不会执行 describe("首页", () =>{ it('首页点击登录', () => { // 访问首页 cy.visit("https://www.cnblogs.com/") // 点击登录按钮 cy.get("