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pandas :按另一列的值移动一列


我们可以使用 numba解决方案:

from numba import jit

def dyn_shift(s, step):
    assert len(s) == len(step), "[s] and [step] should have the same length"
    assert isinstance(s, np.ndarray), "[s] should have [numpy.ndarray] dtype"
    assert isinstance(step, np.ndarray), "[step] should have [numpy.ndarray] dtype"
    N = len(s)
    res = np.empty(N, dtype=s.dtype)
    for i in range(N):
        res[i] = s[i-step[i]]
    return res


In [302]: df['new'] = dyn_shift(df['a'].values, df['b'].values)
# NOTE: we should pass Numpy arrays:   ^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^^

In [303]: df
    a  b  new
0   1  0    1
1   2  0    2
2   3  0    3
3   4  0    4
4   5  4    1
5   6  4    2
6   7  4    3
7   8  0    8
8   9  0    9
9  10  0   10


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuyanc/p/16455841.html