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How to take safety protection measures for infants and young children in nurseries


When parents choose a nursery school, there is an important indicator, that is, "is your nursery school safe?".  Go To Get Link

 As we all know, nurseries receive children aged 6-36 months. The autonomy of children in this age group is not mature, and their safety awareness is very weak. Injury is an important health threat faced by children. The occurrence of infant injury is related to many factors such as its own physiology, behavioral characteristics, care, environment and so on.


The common injury types in nurseries include asphyxiation, fall, burn, drowning, poisoning, foreign body injury, etc., involving all aspects of children's life in nurseries. Nursing institutions should maintain the safety and health of living places, prevent foreign body inhalation, burns, falls, drowning, poisoning and other injuries, and strengthen the care of all aspects of life to cultivate children's safety awareness. A lot of factual evidence shows that injuries are not accidents, and can be prevented and controlled!

 So what aspects should we consider these "safety issues" in order to be a nursing institution? Leading right brain nursing experts suggest that nursing institutions should understand the following basic safety knowledge.

 1、 Assess environmental safety

 Whether in games or outdoor activities, teachers should first judge whether the environment is safe.

 Keep away from pools, ditches and roads crossed by vehicles; Do not play in crowded places; Do not play near high-voltage electricity, and the body is not close to the construction site; Don't play in dense trees.

2、 Check the potential safety hazards in the environment

 Check the safety of electricity in the environment once a month, check the safety of gas in the kitchen every day, and close the valve in time when it is not in use;

 Every time you use the water heater, please test the water temperature first, and then shower;

 The child lock must be kept closed after each use of the water dispenser. If there is a boiling water equipment, it must be placed in a place beyond the reach of children to ensure that each operation resets the equipment;

 The classroom shall be kept clean and tidy, and dangerous items shall be stored in places beyond the reach of children (scissors, knives, sharp objects);

 A dry mop should be placed in the toilet to keep the toilet dry without ponding;

 Pay attention to the number of equipment used in outdoor activities, and it is forbidden to use more than two kinds of equipment at the same time;

 Children are required to wear indoor shoes in the park, and socks are forbidden to run around.

3、 Understand the physiological function of children and prevent airway obstruction

 Do not eat nuts, glutinous rice balls, longan, jelly, fish, glutinous rice; Cut bananas to grow more than 5 cm for children to eat;

Playing beading Games must be accompanied by teachers, and the particle diameter is greater than 3cm;

 After lunch, do not do strenuous exercise, rest for more than 40 minutes before taking a nap, and there is no rope around the neck in the baby's bed and clothes;

 Teachers must be on duty for infants' siesta to check their breathing conditions;

 The food segmentation block should not be too large, with a length of 3cm / a diameter of 2cm;

 Avoid suffocation caused by children's siesta quilt covering their heads;

 Store the materials, keep the coins, batteries and decorations out of the reach of children.


 4、 Understand medical and first aid daily items

 Medical items include: gauze, hemostatic paste, bandage, iodophor, medical cotton swab, medical scissors, antipyretic paste, thermometer;

 First aid items include: Ten gauze, a bandage, five ice packs, a first-aid blanket, two breathing facial mask, and two non latex hands;

 In conclusion, nurseries should do a good job in injury prevention and control, establish an injury prevention and control monitoring system, and formulate an emergency plan for injury prevention and control to protect the safety and health of infants and young children to the greatest extent.



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanyuan0122/p/16436160.html