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Origin: currentia 'flowing', from Latin currere; current A currency in the most specific sense is money in any form when in use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins. A more general definition is that


  一般过去式是be动词是was或者were       一般现在时是is  


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高二课标外研第7期答案汇总   Mohe is located in the Heilongjiang Province bordering Russia, and is the northern city in the country. The city is often referred to as “China’s Arctic town”, and is one of the few locations in Chi

Cards Sorting

技巧: 有负数,要用数组就统一加一个大的数(更具题目)map可能会影响时间 对于本题牢牢利用每一个值不一样, Polycarp watched TV-show where k jury members one by one rated a participant by adding him a certain number of points (may be negative, i. e. points were subtrac

bulletin board system

A bulletin board system or BBS (also called Computer Bulletin Board Service, CBBS) is a computer server running software that allows users to connect to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, the user can perform functions such as uploading

Corporate Strategy and Strategy in a Multi-Business Firm

Corporate Strategy and Strategy in a Multi-Business Firm 1. What is Danaher Corp’s corporate strategy? How does it create value? Ans: Danaher Corp’s corporate strategy is to grow by acquisitions. Their objective was to become “the most innovative and lowe

1148 Werewolf - Simple Version (20 分)

Werewolf(狼人杀) is a game in which the players are partitioned into two parties: the werewolves and the human beings. Suppose that in a game, player #1 said: “Player #2 is a werewolf.”; player #2 said: “Player #3 is a human.”; player #3 said: “Player #4 i

A Child's History of England.223

As the Duke of York became more and more unpopular, the Duke of Monmouth became more and more popular. It would have been decent in the latter not to have voted in favour of the renewed bill for the exclusion of James from the throne; but he did so, much

A Child's History of England.222

As soon as Oates's wickedness had met with this success, up started another villain, named William Bedloe, who, attracted by a reward of five hundred pounds offered for the apprehension of the murderers of Godfrey, came forward and charged two Jesuit

A Child's History of England.218

It broke out at a baker's shop near London Bridge, on the spot on which the Monument now stands as a remembrance of those raging flames. It spread and spread, and burned and burned, for three days. The nights were lighter than the days; in the daytim

A Child's History of England.213

CHAPTER 35 ENGLAND UNDER CHARLES THE SECOND, CALLED THE MERRY MONARCH There never were such profligate [恣意挥霍的] times in England as under Charles the Second. Whenever you see his portrait, with his swarthy [黝黑的], ill-looking face and great nose, you ma

A Child's History of England.210

Over and above all this, Oliver found that the Vaudois, or Protestant people of the valleys of Lucerne, were insolently [rude and not showing any respect] treated by the Catholic powers, and were even put to death for their religion, in an audacious [reck

A Child's History of England.204

To gratify the Scottish Parliament, and preserve their favour, Charles had signed a declaration they laid before him, reproaching the memory [sth that is remembered] of his father and mother, and representing [describe] himself as a most religious Prince,

A Child's History of England.194

THIRD PART I shall not try to relate [讲述] the particulars [facts or details] of the great civil war between King Charles the First and the Long Parliament, which lasted nearly four years, and a full account [描述] of which would fill many large books. It wa

A Child's History of England.156

It would seem that Philip, the Prince of Spain, was a main cause of this change in Elizabeth's fortunes. He was not an amiable man, being, on the contrary, proud, overbearing [专横跋扈], and gloomy; but he and the Spanish lords who came over with him, as

A Child's History of England.133

The worst consequence of this attempt was, that a rising took place among the people of Cornwall, who considered themselves too heavily taxed to meet the charges of the expected war. Stimulated by Flammock, a lawyer, and Joseph, a blacksmith, and joined b

A Child's History of England.102

But now, the second division of the French coming to the relief of the first, closed up in a firm mass [块,堆]; the English, headed by the King, attacked them; and the deadliest part of the battle began. The King's brother, the Duke of Clarence, was st

A Child's History of England.89

CHAPTER 19 ENGLAND UNDER RICHARD THE SECOND Richard, son of the Black Prince, a boy eleven years of age, succeeded to the Crown under the title of King Richard the Second. The whole English nation were ready to admire him for the sake of his brave father.

A Child's History of England.68

King Edward being much renowned [获得声誉] for his sagacity [wisdom] and justice, it seems to have been agreed to refer [交给...处理] the dispute to him. He accepted the trust, and went, with an army, to the Border-land where England and Scotland joined. Ther

A Child's History of England.64

To dismiss this sad subject of the Jews for the present, I am sorry to add that in this reign they were most unmercifully pillaged [掠夺]. They were hanged in great numbers, on accusations of having clipped the King's coin - which all kinds of people h

【题解】【PAT甲】1148 Werewolf - Simple Version (20 分)

题目链接  PTA | 程序设计类实验辅助教学平台 题目描述 Werewolf(狼人杀) is a game in which the players are partitioned into two parties: the werewolves and the human beings. Suppose that in a game, player #1 said: "Player #2 is a werewolf.";player #2 said:

[Python] BeautifulSoup模块用法演示

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, element # 演示用html文本 html = """ <html> <head> <title>The Dormouse's story</title> </head> <body> <p class="title" name="dr

A Child's History of England.43

PART THE SECOND When the King heard how Thomas à Becket had lost his life in Canterbury Cathedral, through the ferocity {fierceness} of the four Knights, he was filled with dismay. Some have supposed that when the King spoke those hasty words, 'Have

A Child's History of England.23

King William, fearing he might lose his conquest, came back, and tried to pacify the London people by soft words. He then set forth to repress the country people by stern deeds. Among the towns which he besieged, and where he killed and maimed the inhabit

A Child's History of England.10

In the next reign, which was the reign of Edward, surnamed The Elder, who was chosen in council to succeed, a nephew of King Alfred troubled the country by trying to obtain the throne. The Danes in the East of England took part with this usurper (perhaps