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大堆 小堆 TPO-k

优先级队列(堆) 二叉树的顺序存储 存储方式 使用数组保存二叉树结构,方式即将二叉树用层序遍历方式放入数组中。 一般只适合表示完全二叉树,因为非完全二叉树会有空间的浪费。 这种方式的主要用法就是堆的表示。 下标关系 已知双亲(parent)的下标,则: 左孩子(left)下标 = 2 * par

TPO Official 01 Speaking

task 02 Question Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 分析: 选择 TV 具有


Only recently have investigators considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals-an environmentally friendly approach known as phytoremediation.This scenario begins with the planti

小站托福TPO macos


tpo 29 reading1

Competition among species is of considerable evolutionary importance. The physical structure of species competing for resources in the same ecological niche tends to gradually evolve in ways that allow them to occupy different niches. Competing species al

TPO-23 C2 Advice on choosing courses

第 1 段 1.Listen to a conversation between a student and his English professor. 请听一段学生与他的英文教授的对话。 第 2 段 1.Hi, Bob. How is it going? Are you enjoying the Introduction to Literature class? 嗨,鲍勃。怎么样?喜欢文学概况这个课程吗? 第 3 段 1.Yeah, i

TPO-22 C2 Revise a music history paper

第 1 段 1.Listen to part of a conversation between a student and his music history professor. :听一段学生和音乐历史教授的对话。 第 2 段 1.So, I was wondering what I could do to improve my paper before the final draft is due.【1学生提出问题】 呃,我想知道在截止交

TPO-21 C2 Which elective courses to take

/* 加粗:语音部分 * 红色:单词部分 * 斜体:语法部分 * 下划线:信号词/句 */ 第 1 段 1.Listen to a conversation between a student and her public relations professor. 听一段学生和她公共关系教授的对话你好戈登教授。 第 2 段 1.Hi, professor Gordin, I really lear