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org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooManyResultsException: Expected one result (or null) to be returned b

org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooManyResultsException: Expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectOne(), but found: 2 mybatis操作数据库时 org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooManyResultsException: Expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectOne

vue报错: Newline required at end of file but not found eol-last

    错误原因:文件最后没有空一行     解决办法:  


背景 最近新部署一台redis从节点服务器时,检查发现key数量远比主节点要少得多,而其他从节点的key和主节点差不多。 原因 If you use keys with limited time to live (Redis expires) this is normal behavior. This is what happens: The master generates an RDB file on the fir

The Picture Of DORIAN GRAY -- 1 The Artist

1 The Artist   Chapter 1   Through the open windows of the room came the rich scent of summer flowers. Lord Henry Wotton lay back in his chair and smoked his cigarette. Beyond the soft sounds of the garden he could just hear the noise of London.   In the

错误 module declares its path as: but was required as:

下载包 错误     需要用到 数据到处excel ,查到这个库不多,下载包 报下面错误, go get github.com/360EntSecGroup-Skylar/excelize/v2       $ go get github.com/360EntSecGroup-Skylar/excelize/v2 go: github.com/360EntSecGroup-Skylar/excelize/v2@v2.6.0: parsing go.

Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues

Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues  answered Arnoud Glimmerveen Created April 18, 2014 11:01   Since I reorganized my environment today (New project, clean checkout of code from SVN), I have not been able to edit code without the

安装keepalived时报:The GPG keys listed for the "MySQL 8.0 Community Server" repository are alr

参考链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaohongyu/p/14479497.html 执行 yum -y install keepalived 时报:The GPG keys listed for the "MySQL 8.0 Community Server" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package. 导致 无法安装 keepalived    

The Love of a King -- 10 The Wedding

10 The Wedding      The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne. 'Did you listen to me on the radio?' he asked. 'Yes, of course,' she said. 'And how did you feel?' 'I was sitting in my room alone,' Walli

MySQL or PostgreSQL?

Steinar H. Gunderson Leaving MySQL About one month ago, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote a blog rubbishing MySQL and recommending PostgreSQL. Here is the original content, followed by a wonderful discussion reorganized from more than 300 comments. Note: Followi

推特 HTML 网页的前10行代码(英文)

推特 HTML 网页的前10行代码(英文) 作者面试前端程序员时,经常打开推特的 HTML 网页源码,让应聘者解释前10行代码(上图)每一行的目的。   Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter’s Source Code to Me For the past few weeks, I’ve been hiring for a senior full-stack JavaScri


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高二课标外研第57期答案汇总   There are advantages and disadvantages with emails. If you send someone an email , then he will receive it extremely quickly. Normal postal services are rather slow as far as speed of delivery is conc


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高二课标外研第39期答案汇总   Against great difficulty, a female runner from Kenya came third at the 2015 Austin Marathon Sunday by crawling on her hands and knees across the finish line. Hyvon Ngetich, 29, was leading the pack of

【python报错】OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized.

问题 OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found libiomp5md.dll already initialized. OMP: Hint This means that multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime have been linked into the program. That is dangerous, since it can degrade performance or cause i

1.1 这本书的由来 How this book came to be. 实用的小精灵(Gremlin图查询语言) 阿岶奇TinkerPop向导 PRACTICAL G

笔者已经忘记确切的时间,大约是2016年初的时候,笔者开始编写一系列的读书笔记、提示和技巧, 最开是是出于个人的利益。笔者的笔记满是在其它地方很少能找到解释的内容, 在使用图数据库,特别是使用阿岶奇TinkerPop, 小精灵Gremlin查询语言和 杰纳斯图数据库JanusGraph时, 这些内容您会遇到

Section Seven: Weird and Innovative Chips

Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present (V 13.4.0) (cpushack.com) Part I: Intel 432, Extraordinary complexity (1980) . . The Intel iAPX 432 was a complex, object oriented 32-bit processor that included high level operating system support in hardware


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第36期答案汇总   Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of satisfying hunger.Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing

npm install electron 失败

npm WARN @vue/cli-service@4.5.11 requires a peer of @vue/compiler-sfc@^3.0.0-beta.14 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN sass-loader@8.0.2 requires a peer of sass@^1.3.0 but none is installed. You must install peer

Git教程3-undo your changes

I didn't really know how I can name this chapter so basically I used the worst name,perhaps. I don't really have a website to show you even though we need codes of a website to help explain how git works in this situation,but I'm just too l

A Child's History of England.155

In the danger of this rebellion, the Queen showed herself to be a woman of courage and spirit. She disdained [不屑理会] to retreat to any place of safety, and went down to the Guildhall, sceptre [权杖] in hand, and made a gallant speech to the Lord Mayor and

TypeError: max() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (axis=int, out=NoneType, ), but

TypeError: max() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (axis=int, out=NoneType, ), but expected one of: * () * (Tensor other) * (int dim, bool keepdim) didn't match because some of the keywords were incorrect: axis, out * (name

EgLine V0.3—LVGL官方拖拽式UI编辑工具(可导出代码)

** EdgeLine ** 是LVGL官方团队退出的一款拖拽式UI编辑工具,现在还处于测试间断,目前最新版本为v0.3,已经可导出代码。 注意: 使用该软件需要注册lvgl账号,这一步可能需要代理 目前版本的项目支持在最大分辨率为480x320、32位色的设备 该版本导出的代码基于LVGL v7,可导出C以及Python


arcgis标注分子式及假分子式 假分子式: Function FindLabel ( [TBYBH] , [DLBM] , [QSXZ] ) Dim fmLength Dim fzLength Dim zsLength Dim hxLength '分式线长度 fmLength = Len( [QSXZ]) fzLength = Len( [DLBM]) zsLength = Len( [TBYBH]) If fmLength > fzLength

CF1291A Even But Not Even 题解

Content 有 \(t\) 组数据,每组数据给定一个整数 \(n\),接着给出一个长度为 \(n\) 的数字串。请从中删除一些数,使得剩下的数字串不是偶数,但是其和为偶数,或者不存在这样的方案。 数据范围:\(t\in[1,10^3],n\in[1,3\times 10^3]\)。 Solution 很简单,我们只需要从中找出 \(2\) 个奇数就可

【Pygame小游戏】斗地主我见多了,BUT 这款开源欢乐斗地主,最让人服气~(无需豆子一直免费嫖)

前言 最近突然有很多妹纸加了我的微信。 机智的我猜测,一定是有人走漏了风声, 把我是欢乐小区吴彦祖的事情说出去了! 然鹅,今天刷朋友圈的时候,我却看到一个妹纸发了这么一条朋友圈↓  纳尼?!原来妹纸加我并不是因为我的美貌,而是因为我爸斗地主的牌技…… 虽然我爸的做法有点儿损,但


May the world continue to be alive may I still be me. 祝这个世界继续热闹祝我仍然是我。  Be brave no matter what your life is like to you. 无论生活对你如何,都要勇敢一些。    We will go ashore at last in the sunshine. 我们终将上岸,阳光万里。 May everythin