首页 > 其他分享> > 1.1 这本书的由来 How this book came to be. 实用的小精灵(Gremlin图查询语言) 阿岶奇TinkerPop向导 PRACTICAL G

1.1 这本书的由来 How this book came to be. 实用的小精灵(Gremlin图查询语言) 阿岶奇TinkerPop向导 PRACTICAL G


笔者已经忘记确切的时间,大约是2016年初的时候,笔者开始编写一系列的读书笔记、提示和技巧, 最开是是出于个人的利益。笔者的笔记满是在其它地方很少能找到解释的内容, 在使用图数据库,特别是使用阿岶奇TinkerPop, 小精灵Gremlin查询语言和 杰纳斯图数据库JanusGraph时, 这些内容您会遇到。 随着时间的推移,文档的内容在不断的增加,实事上文档已经变成了一本书,只是没有书名。在一些同事的鼓励下,笔者决定发布本人的笔记,这些笔记将按照开源许可发布,这样任何对该领域感兴趣的读者都可以读到它。它的目标读者群当然是程序员、数据科学家,笔者也希望对小精灵查询遍历语言(Gremlin)感兴趣并用它来操作图形数据库的朋友都阅读本书。 笔者已将大量的程序示例和关于最佳实践的查询的样例收录到本书中,当然远不止笔者在实践中辛苦得来的经验教训,但愿您可以从中获得知识并受益。 笔者将本书称为一本“不断成长的书”因为笔者的目标是如果发现了需要更新的知识,那么笔者就有规律的更新本书,同时笔者也尽可能的保持本书内容与阿岶奇TinkerPop项目的最新的版本内容同步。   笔者由衷地向所有鼓励和支持我的朋友们表示感谢,感谢鼓励笔者继续进行这个著书的挑战之旅。这件事确实需要大量的工作,但是同时也乐在其中。     凯文R劳伦斯 第一版: 2017年10月5日 当前版本:2021年8月2日 译者:华 2022年3月30日   I forget exactly when, but sometime early in 2016 I started compiling a list of notes, hints and tips, initially for my own benefit. My notes were full of things I had found poorly explained elsewhere while using graph databases and especially while using Apache TinkerPop, Gremlin and JanusGraph. Over time that document continued to grow and had effectively become a book in all but name. After some encouragement from colleagues I decided to release my notes as a living book in an open source venue so that anyone who is interested can read it. It is definitely aimed at programmers and data scientists but I hope is also consumable by anyone using the Gremlin graph query and traversal language to work with graph databases. I have included a large number of code examples and sample queries along with discussions of best practices and more than a few lessons I learned the hard way, that I hope you will find informative. I call it a living book as my goal is to regularly make updates as I discover things that need adding while also trying to keep the content as up to date as possible as Apache TinkerPop itself evolves. I would like to say very heartfelt Thank You to all those that have encouraged me to keep going with this adventure! It has required quite a lot of work but also remains a lot of fun. Kelvin R. Lawrence First draft: October 5th, 2017 Current draft: August 2nd 2021

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/huagremlin/p/16076402.html