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  http://man.opencl.org/dataTypes.html   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28904114/opencl-sending-float3-host-to-device   https://community.khronos.org/t/typedef-cl-float4-cl-float3-cl-platform-h/2530 They shouldn’t and they won’t. cl_float3 is iden


[BJDCTF2020]just_a_rar 下载下来是个名为四位数的压缩包 想要打开发现有密码,根据文件名猜测是不是一个四位数的密码 所以我们尝试用APCHPR.exe去爆破 直接爆破出了密码 打开图片 然后我们去图片的各个位置找一下,发现就在属性的备注里

Diary 20■■.■.■■

寻找自我真的很难。 认识自我也真的很难。 已经快一年了, 却还是难以承认■■■■■■的事实。 也不是不承认,但是,我真的有必要■■■■■■■■吗? ■■■■■■对别人会有任何影响吗? 不会。 有时不明白自己为什么还■■■■■■■。 ■■■■■■? 也许■■■■■■■■■■吧。 20


敏敏: 前些天做了一个 我是旁观者画面全是你的梦 梦到你过得不开心快乐 你我终究是有缘的 无论我对你的情感如何 我都希望你健康快乐安宁心有方田 正如父亲面对处在叛逆期的子女那般 just a case, no reflection 我一直有个愿望 企盼着有天能够帮助你克服失眠摆脱药物 祝愿你开心快


----- Dialogue1 Alan:Hey what's up? girl:why are you wearing a wig? Alan:I am a girl. girl:funny,I can tell by your facial shape that you're not a girl. Alan:I just look kind of masculine. ----- Dialogue2 Alan:Hey,what't up?Why are y


1、In the middle of sth. = busy with sth.    正在忙于..... Hey, Emily, where can I find those metadata files? Sorry I am in the middle of writing a repost, I will get back to you in a minute. 2、gone for the day     下班了 He is gone for the day. He was


 0x00 转载 相关论据可在此处查看原文: Prometheus Is Not a TSDB   主要论点: “Prometheus is a monitoring system that just happens to use a TSDB under the hood.”

Testing Blog

What's the difference between notes and essays? They just look all the same!!! Well, at least on the editor's page. To post on the homepage of the blog, one gotta write essays like this instead of articles. This is an inline math equation \(E =

JIT Just-In-Time(即时编译)

参考: b站:编译原理-哈工大 知乎:v8架构是如何一步步演进成如此成熟的架构的 cocos论坛:开挂了:iOS 14.2 开启 JIT 支持,大幅提升 JS 性能! python变成基础:编译型语言和解释型语言的区别   看到cocos论坛说ios不支持JIT,说起JIT要从编译说起... 编译原理 cpu只能识别机器码,就是0和1,所以使

Atcoder beginner contest 249 C-Just K(二进制枚举)

题目大意:给你N个字符串,你可以从中选择任意数量的字符串,请统计在你的字串中,相同字母出现次数正好为K次的字母数。数据保证出现的字母都是小写字母。 1≤N≤15 1 ≤K≤N 一开始读题的时候读错了,读成了至少为k次,就想的暴力选择全部字符串,然后统计字母数,但是在认真读题WA了N发后发现

cf1248 D1. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version)

题意: 给定一个括号串。若把子串 \([1,i]\) 换到子串 \([i+1,n]\) 的后面,得到的新串合法,则称 \(i\) 为一个特殊位置。 现在交换两个位置,问交换哪两个位置可使特殊位置最多。 串长 500 思路: n^2 枚举位置进行交换,然后 \(O(n)\) 数特殊位置数: 求括号串的平衡前缀数组,即把左括号看成 1


    JIT  即时编译   JIT(just-in-time) 即时编译 javac 编译与 JIT 编译  


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高一课标外研第51期答案汇总   17-year-old Maci Currin (USA) is proudly entering the new Guinness World Records 2021 book after being confirmed as having the world’s longest legs (female) and the longest legs on a teenager. Maci's


进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第42期答案汇总   In 2007,Bianca Valenti had an experience which nearly killed her. When she paddled out at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, she met a wave the length of a garage and as tall as a two-story house. “The second I

227. Basic Calculator II

For this problem, we must know the sign just before the num. For example, s = "3+2*2", when we deal with the first 2, we must know '+' is just before it, when we deal with the second 2, we must know '*' is just before it. Acc


串词 quir/quest/quer:问 just/jur/jud:相当于right正确的 四级词汇要求会读+会写+知道意思+记忆固定搭配。全部都是高频词 按照Allen老师的课程顺序来的,第一张是思维导图。 《考虫四级系统班核心词串讲》不定时更新! 持续努力+正确方法+反思总结=目标实现  

6 Fun Things You Can Do With Just CSS

本文转自:6 Fun Things You Can Do With Just CSS Love it or hate it, CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) is the language we use to style the HTML elements. While there are some fabulous preprocessors like SCSS(that get compiled into CSS eventually) and offer mor


Android源码中的flinger是什么意思,比如SurfaceFlinger的Flinger有啥含义? I asked the same question on the Android platform mailing list and got the follow reply: By the definition in the dictionary, a flinger is someone that flings. In the case of the Surfac

CF1248D1 The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version) 题解

CF1248D1 The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version) 洛谷链接 思路: (貌似没有找到这题的强化版本  ̄□ ̄||) 看到题目感觉有点懵,再看一眼数据范围,$n \le 500$,那自然是暴力枚举了。 时间复杂度的上限是 $O(N^3)$,枚举两个交换的位置是 $O(N^2)$,难点是 $O(N)$ 算出每种字符串对


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第31期答案及试题   When we watch politicians, or business leaders speak on television or in public, they seem so at ease that we may wonder: are great speakers made, or are they just born that way? While it is true that some

CF1578J Just Kingdom

考虑一个点被填满则他需要从其父亲得到\(q_u = \sum_{v = u\ or\ v \in son_u}m_v\) 那么考虑如何这样操作。 我当时world final做的时候,是从上往下遍历,此时有若干分数流下下方,然后就疯狂的wa。 那么我们考虑从下往上做,考虑如何从儿子调整到父亲。 我们发现如果儿子有 \(x\) 这


她新买的耳机到了,她问他要不要试一试; 他说好。 在她告诉他耳机操作时,她的手不小心触碰到了他的耳尖,所以,他耳朵是红了吗? 他说他听电音,听摇滚,也偶尔会听rap 巧了,她也是。^ ^ 他伸着懒腰瞟了一眼她, 而她一直在用余光瞟他, 被发现了吗? 他推荐了一首歌给她,tomorrow...... If you're

Just a Hook

原题链接:https://acm.dingbacode.com/showproblem.php?pid=1698 Problem Description: In the game of DotA, Pudge’s meat hook is actually the most horrible thing for most of the heroes. The hook is made up of several consecutive metallic sticks which are of the sa

AtCoder Beginner Contest 226 E - Just one(dfs求连通块 组合数学)

linkk 题意: 给出 n n n点 m m m边的无向图,将其中的边变为有向边使得其满足对于每个点来说有且只有一

abc226E - Just one

差一点就做出来了 然而读题不太仔细… 要求是只有1个向外的边 最简单的方法就是遍历一个子图,检查它的度数和还有点的数量,如果度数是点数量的二倍,就可以达到要求。 很直觉的题 //cyc #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,fma") #pragma GCC optimizat