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1、In the middle of sth. = busy with sth.    正在忙于.....

Hey, Emily, where can I find those metadata files?

Sorry I am in the middle of writing a repost, I will get back to you in a minute.

2、gone for the day     下班了

He is gone for the day.

He was here just now.

He is around, he will be back in a few minutes.

3、regarding    关于

We're exploring a variety of options regarding this issue.

I will be speaking to her later today regarding the matter.

a question regarding   关于....的问题===代替about

I have a question regarding my salary.

He has a question regarding the report deadline.

I'm calling regarding.....  电话咨询....

I'm calling regarding a job opening in your company.

4、push sb. hard    对....要求严格,逼得紧

Our boss pushes us hard.

demanding    要求高的,苛求的,强求的

my supervisor is very demanding.

5、have a lot(much) on sb.'s plate / one's plate is full.   有许多的事情做

Ann has a lot on her plate at the moment. She's just assigned a new project.

Sorry, but the manager can't speak to you today. She's got too much on her plate right now.

6、Micromanage   (vt.动词)    微观管理

My supervisor likes micromanaging everything.

7、at the end of the day    最终,到头来,说到底,基本上

Don't be too hard on yourself. At the end of the day, you are just human and you cannot always be perfect.

Of course I'll listen to what she has to say but at the end of the day, it's my decision.

At the end of the day, it's my responsibility to solve this problem.

8、touch base with..... = get in touch with....        跟某人碰头,联系

I'm going to be away for a couple days next week, but when I'm back we can touch base and figure out a way to get this project done.

9、To be on the same page   意见/想法达成一致  In agreement or having the same understanding of the situation.

Emma is calling a meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page.

10、Heads up/ heads-up   名词  事先告知或提醒

虽然名词 heads为复数,但其前却是使用单数冠词  “a”

Just a heads-up. It might cost much more than you thought.

This email is just to give you a heads-up that the new boss will be arriving next week.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/nastu/p/16319499.html