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CF1667D Edge Elimination 题解

题面 这种树上删边类型的问题可以把每个点单独拿出来,将与它相连的边看成一个菊花图,在菊花图上面钦定顺序,然后用拓扑排序确定相对顺序。 我们对每个点连边的删边确定顺序,偶数标成 0,奇数标成 1(即被删的相对顺序的奇偶性)。那么肯定 1 的个数为 \(\lfloor\frac{du_i}{2}\rfloor\)。这

[LeetCode] 390. Elimination Game

You have a list arr of all integers in the range [1, n] sorted in a strictly increasing order. Apply the following algorithm on arr: Starting from left to right, remove the first number and every other number afterward until you reach the end of the lis

【二进制与位运算】C. Array Elimination

题目来源: Problem - C - CodeforcesCodeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming communityhttps://codeforces.com/contest/1602/problem/C 题干:  按位与运算的定义:  算法解释:  官方思维:  解析: 感谢这篇文章对于英文解释的翻译和总结: Codeforces-1

CF 2021.9.3 Codeforces Round #606 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 4)

题目链接 Codeforces Round #606 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 4) ABC题解链接 D. Tree Elimination Problem: 有点乱,待补 Code: E. Four Stones Problem: 暂不做 F. Asterisk Substrings Problem: 暂不做

UVa 12219 Common Subexpression Elimination (杂)

题目链接 https://onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&category=0&problem=3371&mosmsg=Submission+received+with+ID+26550245 使用 \((hash,left,right)\) 表示一个子树,存入 \(map\) 中,就可以判断一个子树是否出现过 剩下的就是字符

C语言gauss elimination高斯消元法算法(附完整源码)

gauss elimination算法 实现以下几个相关接口 实现gauss elimination算法的完整源码(定义,实现,main函数测试) 实现以下几个相关接口 void display(float a[ARRAY_SIZE][ARRAY_SIZE], int n); float interchange(float m

E. Double Elimination (DP)

题目:传送门 题意:有 2^n 个人进行比赛,对他们编号 1~2^n,起初1和2打,3和4打,5和6打,7和8打...,然后1和2打完胜利的 和 3和4打完胜利的再打一场,1和2打完失败的和3和4打完失败的也再打一场,然后,失败组最终胜利的和胜利组最终胜利的再打一场。详情可看样例解释,结合着更容易理解。你有 k 个喜

UVA10774 Repeated Josephus【约瑟夫环+位运算】

No, I don’t want you to waste important time reading boring introduction. At first, there are n people numbered 1 to n around a circle and every second remaining person will be eliminated until only one survives. Let the number of the survivor be x. Th

统计推断(十) Elimination algorithm

1. Elimination algorithm 主要目的是为了计算边缘分布 Reconstituted graph: 若消去的随机变量为 xkx_kxk​,则所有与 xkx_kxk​ 连接的随机变量会形成一个新的 clique 复杂度 Brute-force marginalization:O(∣X∣N)O\left(|\mathcal{X}|^N\right)O(∣X∣N) Zig-zag