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General tips | They Are Billions Game Guide They Are Billions guide, walkthrough

General tips | They Are Billions Game Guide They Are Billions guide, walkthrough They Are Billions is a complicated game in which deep mechanic knowledge, quick response to emerging challenges and adequate planning is key to victory, especially at high di

317. Shortest Distance from All Buildings

This problem is different with 542. 01 Matrix and 286. Walls and Gates. 542 and 286 is once get the shortest path from one of the targets, then the cell's role is done. 317 need to sum up all shortest path from all targets. If we do it as the same wa

1762. Buildings With an Ocean View

My first solution is use two skacks, one stack store index, another one store value, the time complexity is O(n). public int[] findBuildings(int[] heights) { Stack<Integer> indexStk = new Stack<>(); Stack<Integer> va

CF1628 Codeforces Round #767 (Div. 1) 题解(C-E)

比赛总结 整体打得是最近 10 场最煎熬的一场,但是没有摆烂,相较于以前有进步。 A 太慢了,有一个地方的想复杂了,其实暴力是对的 B 也没有想清楚,开始的时候想到了 23 可以,然后分类讨论了一会儿就以为是 223 才行,其实 23 就可以替代 223 的情况了,于是贡献了 5 发罚时(其中有一发是手抖了


Architecture (origin: "chief" and "creator") is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cul

OpenStreetMap buildings

Buildings can be mapped in OpenStreetMap. Their shapes can be turned into 3D models for use in FlightGear scenery. Challenges There are "just" 64 million buildings in OSM[1], most cities in the world have no buildings at all or just a few. Only

LeetCode 218. 天际线问题 (扫描线+优先队列)

扫描线+优先队列 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/the-skyline-problem/solution/tian-ji-xian-wen-ti-by-leetcode-solution-ozse/ 先把所有横坐标排序,然后把建筑按横坐标排序。设定每个建筑都包含左不包含有  [left,right) 这样。然后对于每一个横坐标都先在优先队列压入包

2021-08-06:天际线问题。城市的天际线是从远处观看该城市中所有建筑物形成的轮廓的外部轮廓。给你所有建筑物的位置和高度,请返回由这些建筑物形成的 天际线 。每个建筑物的几何信息由数组 build

2021-08-06:天际线问题。城市的天际线是从远处观看该城市中所有建筑物形成的轮廓的外部轮廓。给你所有建筑物的位置和高度,请返回由这些建筑物形成的 天际线 。每个建筑物的几何信息由数组 buildings 表示,其中三元组 buildings[i] = [lefti, righti, heighti] 表示:lefti 是第 i

力扣 218. 天际线问题 堆 扫描线

https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/the-skyline-problem/ 思路:首先意识到每个建筑物的左右端点都有可能成为我们所关注的轮廓点,按照天际线的输出方式,我们应该读入这些端点并按照从小到大的顺序排序。然后考虑在每一个端点 p


Leecode218:天际线问题 题目链接 [2021_07_13] 联想到的题型:方法——优先队列进行优化求解 会议室II 城市的天际线是从远处观看该城市中所有建筑物形成的轮廓的外部轮廓。给你所有建筑物的位置和高度,请返回由这些建筑物形成的 天际线 。 每个建筑物的几何信息由数组 building

CodeForces - 1252H Twin Buildings(贪心)

题目链接 题目大意   在n块\(W\times H\)的地里建两个建筑,可以建在同一块地,也可分开,建筑与边界平行。 解题思路   建在同一块地很好算,主要是建在不同的地里怎么算。首先将长边从大到小排序,然后开始遍历,将当前的长边当作建筑的一边,而将之前的最长的短边与现在的短边取最小值,显


先讲一下题目的意思:给我们n个砖块,每个砖块有重量w和承重s,需要把这些砖块累起来。每一层的PDV值是其上所有重量减去当前的承重s,需要求的是一种排序使得总的PDV值最小。 正确的排序:当第 i 块砖在第 j 块上面,应满足 p[i] - s[j] < p[j] - s[i] 当我们不知道第 i 块和第 j 块谁

Openstreetmap 3d buildings

https://osmbuildings.org/?lat=52.51916&lon=13.40087&zoom=16.4&tilt=45&rotation=85 武汉  


Practice 381 研究表明,当员工在自然光照充足的环境里工作时他们会更开心更健康、工作更有成效。新建筑在设计的时候会考虑到这一点,但老一些的建筑却不会,这导致老建筑主要依靠人工照明。虽然企业不想花钱重新规划一下它们的建筑从而让室内有更多的自然光,但从长远来看,这笔钱花的值,对

Count the Buildings HDU - 4372

 https://cn.vjudge.net/problem/HDU-4372 最高的(n)左右都可见;将左右两边分成f-1和b-1组;每组只有其中最高得可见;每组间可以任意排列(循环排列);就是第一类斯特林数了; #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include

Buildings Gym - 101873B

https://cn.vjudge.net/problem/Gym-101873B  #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <set> #include <map> #include <stack&g

A - Jumping Buildings Gym - 102302A(单调队列,找这个数右边第一个比他大的数)

Bob is developing a new game called jumping Lario. In this game the main protagonist, Lario, has to jump on top of buildings until he reaches the end of the level. The level is composed of N buildings of possibly different heights. The building where L

Count the Buildings ( s1 )

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4372 题意:n个房子在一条线上(n<=2000),高度分别为1~n,现在需要将房子这样放置:从最左往右能看到F个房子,从最右往左能看到B个房子,能看到的条件是 两者之间的房子都要低于这个房子。问这样的方案数。   思路: 额,这个东西呢,想通了也就 很简单

POJ 3277 City Horizon

简单的Lazy操作。统计的时候把全部的lazy都推到叶节点就能够了 City Horizon Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15973   Accepted: 4336 Description Farmer John has taken his cows on a trip to the city! As the sun sets, the

7. The British Thached Roof 英国的茅草屋顶

7. The British Thached Roof 英国的茅草屋顶①The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatchd roof cottages around a church;a drive through a narrow village street lined with thached cottages painted pink or white;the sight over the rolling hills of a pre

HDU 4252 A Famous City(单调栈)

题目链接 After Mr. B arrived in Warsaw, he was shocked by the skyscrapers and took several photos. But now when he looks at these photos, he finds in surprise that he isn't able to point out even the number of buildings in it. So he decides to work it ou