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CF1628 Codeforces Round #767 (Div. 1) 题解(C-E)




  整场比赛的代码可以在 CF/contest/1628 · yinjinrun/code-public-2 - 码云 - 开源中国 (gitee.com) 中查看。

CF1628C Grid Xor

给出一个网格图,每个位置有值 \(a_{i, j}\) 表示与其相邻的所有网格的 \(b_{i, j}\) 的 xor 和(不包括该位置)。
求出整个网格图的 xor 和。




  然后可以这样子:从上到下依次考虑每个格子,如果一个格子上面的格子被 xor 的贡献是 \(0\),那么对该格子进行一次操作。


CF1628D2 Game on Sum (Hard Version)

Alice 和 Bob 正在玩游戏,共有 \(n\) 轮,每轮 Alice 可以选择一个实数 \(x \in [1, n]\),然后 Bob 可以选择将分数加上 \(x\) 或者使得分数减去 \(x\),并且 Bob 必须选择 \(m\) 次加法操作,Alice 要让分数最大,Bob 要让分数最小,假设两人绝顶聪明,问最后的分数的是什么。

\(n, m \le 10^6, k < 10^9+7\)

Easy Version: \(n, m \le 2000\)

  动态规划 数学

  考虑 easy version 的一种比较暴力的解法:

  以上使我赛时想法,然后脑抽了,上面这个形式一直不会优化,其实我们发现有 \(1\) 个地方是没用的:

\(a \le b\),\(f_{i}\) 显然单调。

  于是 \(f_{i, j} = \dfrac{f_{i - 1, j - 1} + f_{i - 1,j}}{2}\),那么 easy version 就是一个简单的 DP 了。

  现在考虑 hard version,因为 \(i = j\) 的时候答案就是 \(ik\),于是我们可以对于每个 \(i\) 计算贡献。

  对于 \(f_{i, i}\),考虑一张网格图,每次可以 \((i, j) \to (i + 1, j)\) 或者 \((i, j) \to (i + 1, j + 1)\),那么最后 \(f_{i, i}\) 对于 \(f_{n, m}\) 的贡献就是 \((i, i)\) 走到 \((n, m)\) 的方案数 \(\times\) \(\dfrac{ik}{2 ^ {n - i}}\)。

  于是可以考虑所有 \(i \le m\),然后计算贡献就行了!

  但是有个小问题,我们规定了走到 \((i, i)\) 就停止计算贡献了,但是可能会从 \((i, i)\) 走到 \((i + 1, i + 1)\),然后贡献就算重了,为了解决这个问题,我们可以钦定第一步是 \((i, i) \to (i + 1, i)\),这样贡献就不会算重了。

CF1628E Groceries in Meteor Town

Mihai lives in a town where meteor storms are a common problem. It's annoying, because Mihai has to buy groceries sometimes, and getting hit by meteors isn't fun. Therefore, we ask you to find the most dangerous way to buy groceries so that we can trick him to go there.
The town has \(n\) buildings numbered from \(1\) to \(n\). Some buildings have roads between them, and there is exactly \(1\) simple path from any building to any other building. Each road has a certain meteor danger level. The buildings all have grocery stores, but Mihai only cares about the open ones, of course. Initially, all the grocery stores are closed.You are given \(q\) queries of three types:

  • Given the integers \(l\) and \(r\), the buildings numbered from \(l\) to \(r\) open their grocery stores (nothing happens to buildings in the range that already have an open grocery store).
  • Given the integers \(l\) and \(r\), the buildings numbered from \(l\) to \(r\) close their grocery stores (nothing happens to buildings in the range that didn't have an open grocery store).
  • Given the integer \(x\), find the maximum meteor danger level on the simple path from \(x\) to any open grocery store, or \(-1\) if there is no edge on any simple path to an open store.

\(2 \le n, q \le 3\cdot 10^5\)

  数据结构 Kruskal 重构树

  什么鬼,CF div1 的 E 是 Kruskal 重构树 + 线段树的板子?

  比赛后悔没看 E。



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/werner-yin/p/15836823.html