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1055 The World‘s Richest (25 分)

Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certain range of ages. That is, given the net

PAT甲级——A1055 The World‘s Richest

题目 Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certain range of ages. That is, given the

PAT A1055 The World‘s Richest (25 分)

PAT A1055 The World’s Richest (25 分) Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certain

1055 The World's Richest

Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world's wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certain range of ages. That is, given the n

PATA1055 The World's Richest (25 分)

1055 The World's Richest (25 分) Forbes magazine publishes every year its list of billionaires based on the annual ranking of the world's wealthiest people. Now you are supposed to simulate this job, but concentrate only on the people in a certai

tomcat 远程调试

1、Linux上 1)、在catalina.sh文件中加入语句:CATALINA_OPTS="-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5888"  2)、重启tomcat 3)查看监听端口号:netstat -an | grep 5888,下图说明监听端口已经启动 4)、eclipse