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英语词汇语法 1 Pink clothes dont't suit her at all,yet she still likes to wear her pink overcoat,I think it's absolutely a matter of her personal ___.  A.hobby     B.preference    C.habit    D.principle   1 试题解析  1>.pink [n].粉红


Many schools demand that the students should wear uniform. Some people think that such a practice undermines students' personality and individuality. What do you think?   Most schools in China mandate the wearing of uniforms, which are seen as a symb


写作时避免重复 若要表达同一个意思是,可变化句式,变为被动句式,非谓语句式等等(需要积累)。 如:Children should wear school uniforms. ->(被动) School uniforms should be worn. ->(非谓语) It is nice for students to wear school uniforms. deficient [dɪˈfɪʃnt] adj. 不足

vue学习笔记21 watch

data:{   weather:25,   wear:'短袖' }   实例属性写watch监控 构造器外部写法 app.$watch('xxx',function(){}) 写在构造器里 watch:{   weather:function(nv,ov){        } }   用computed实现  就不灵活了。例 computed:{    newWear:function(){    if(

Lubrication oil of cone crusher

Cone crusher is the main crusher machine in secondary crushing process, the reliable working of cone crusher can make the whole production line having high output, and prolong the machine service. Therefore, the lubriation of cone crusher is very importan