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Many schools demand that the students should wear uniform. Some people think that such a practice undermines students' personality and individuality. What do you think?


Most schools in China mandate the wearing of uniforms, which are seen as a symbol of the schools. I started wearing them when I was in the fifth grade and enjoyed the experience.

Students are in no danger of losing their individuality by wearing uniforms. The kind of clothes we wear is only a slight indication of our personality, which is largely revealed by the way we speak and act. Our character is not likely to be affected by what we wear. Uniform is only a part of our external appearance. You can have quite different experience with similarly uniformed sales girls: one rude; the other patient. No matter what we wear, we will remain different from each other because each of us is unique.

Uniform gives the students a sense of community. All sorts of people wear uniforms: the police, the doctors, shop assistant, etc. It tells others and themselves who they are. Having others in similar attire makes it easy for us to fit in. Due to their age, students in particular feel the need to identify a community. They are afraid of being left alone. Wearing the same uniform is at least one thing in common they have with their peers.

Besides, students don't have to decide what is proper for school if they all wear uniforms. This saves them a lot of time and trouble. And students won't engage in some vain and vicious competition about who has got the best clothing. Moreover, uniform is especially beneficial to those underprivileged families with limited means. Kids from those families will not be jeered at for wearing inferior clothes.

Uniform acts as an equalizer, contributing to the equality among students. It also gives them a sense of identity. So it is worth the students' while to forgo their preference for certain clothes and put on a uniform.







来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14480787.html