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My suggestions on SAP ABAP transformation

My suggestions on SAP ABAP transformation     A Senior SAP ABAP consultant will always face the anxiety and entanglement of transformation or career change.            An SAP ABAPer need to know why he need to have a transformation for his career.  


博士围城作者引用了一句话:If I get interested in something, I get really interested. If I get interested in a new subject, I want to read about it, I want to talk about it, and I want to meet people that are involved in it   读研究生或博士,需要某个领域内的专业

The Love of a King -- 10 The Wedding

10 The Wedding      The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne. 'Did you listen to me on the radio?' he asked. 'Yes, of course,' she said. 'And how did you feel?' 'I was sitting in my room alone,' Walli


或许你的人生不是从快乐开始的 Your story may not have such a happy beginning. 但这 不影响你成为怎样的人 But,that does not make you who you are. 你想要变成什么样子,全看你自己的选择 What you want to become depends on your own choice.

vue 引入want 上传图片oss处理

<van-uploader :before-read="beforeRead" v-model="product.images" max-size="1024*1024*2" max-count="1"> <img src="@/assets/images/icon_upload.png" class="companyLogo" alt=


看到的小伙伴图一乐就好,千人千面,我只能从我自己出发,尽量扬长避短(擦线咸鱼+资深社恐)   Self Introduction      Good morning ,dear professors ! It's my great honor here for this interview .My name is Myc,22 years old and I come from AnHui,AnQing .I majored in c

48. Rotate Image

If you could find the secret of image rotate, then this would be a simple problem. 1. If you want to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise,then reverse the matrix up to down and then swith symmetry. 2. If you want to rotate the image by 90 degrees ant

Jest - Configuring Jest

Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue and more!  Install:  npm i jest -D    Setup: package.json "scripts": { "test&qu

Android Doc 之 Aidl

android IPC: AIDL thread is not blocked. AIDL线程是不被阻塞的 Using AIDL is necessary only if you allow clients from different applications to access your service for IPC and want to handle multithreading in your service. 使用AIDL是必要的(你允许来自不同应用


官网:https://julialang.org/ 中文社区:https://cn.julialang.org/ Julia 是一个面向科学计算的高性能动态高级程序设计语言。 首先定位是通用编程语言,其次是高性能计算语言。 发展历史 2019年中,Julia语言诞生于MIT。 2012年2月14日,发布v0.1.0版本。 2018年8月8日,发布v1.0.0版本。 2

How to grow decentralized communities

https://medium.com/1kxnetwork/how-to-grow-decentralized-communities-1bf1044924f8 Decentralized organizations enable work to be distributed to the community members instead of being entirely driven by top-down decision making hierarchies. While tokens f

python 类调用实例的方法

class A: def __init__(self,name,age): self.name = "shun" self.age = 18 def eat(self): print (" i want to eat") A.eat()   报错, self 表示实例, A.eat()没有传入实例 class A: def __init__(self,name,age): self.name = "shun&q

Old ST-LINK firmware detected.do you want to upgrade it?升级固件

一段时间没有使用st-link烧写程序了。打开keil5准备把程序烧写到stm32板子上时,报错Old ST-LINK firmware detected.do you want to upgrade it?经查,发现是stlink固件太旧了,需要升级。升级就升级吧,结果点击之后没反应。于是上网搜解决方案。原来就是到stm32官网下载st-link utility

vue3 学习笔记 (五)——vue3 的 setup 如何实现响应式功能?

setup 是用来写组合式 api ,内部的数据和方法需要通过 return 之后,模板才能使用。在之前 vue2 中,data 返回的数据,可以直接进行双向绑定使用,如果我们把 setup 中数据类型直接双向绑定,发现变量并不能实时响应。接下来就看看setup如何实现data的响应式功能? 一、ref setup 内的自定义属

2021-10-26To display the conditions report re-run your application with ‘debug‘ enabled.

 导入项目运行的时候就报这个错误,困扰了许久,还是没找到解决的办法。 参考了(因个人情况而定) 解决报错:If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby) --菜鸟小回 - 代码天地 (未解决) Springboot报错If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it


1.Go:Generate Unit Tests For Functions 使用方法 步骤1.书写函数,如下 // 代码文件 unit.go package skill func Add(a, b int) int { return a + b } func Sub(a, b int) int { return a - b } 步骤2.创建测试文件 unit_test.go package skill 如果测试文件已经存


play一般用在——游戏、乐器、运动、小孩的玩耍;其他情况一般很少用play。 I like to use Douyin. 我喜欢玩抖音。// 不能用 play I like to go on Douyin. I want to play with you. // 男女朋友之间比较暧昧的一种说法:我想跟你玩。 I want to hang out with you. 我想跟你一起玩


测试驱动开发 尝试使用 golang 实现 TDD 示例 1. 多币种资金 资金报表 票据 股票 股价 合计 IBM 1000 25 美元 25000 美元 Novartis 400 150 瑞士法郎 60000 瑞士法郎 总计 65000 美元 汇率表 源币种 兑换币种 汇率 瑞士法郎 美元 1.5 Gherkin 表示 # l

scala 删除目录

file io - Delete directories recursively in Java - Stack Overflow   You should check out Apache's commons-io. It has a FileUtils class that will do what you want. FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("directory"));


General English:9 Unit 2 Negotiating Vocabulary Neogtiating vocabulary bulk discount 批量折扣 preliminary offer bulk discount full price general office laptop accept check with finalize NANCY Okay.Let's look at your preliminary offer.You want to

Python study notes Day 6 ‘Dictionaries‘

Python study notes Day 6 ‘Dictionaries’ On day six we will touch on something called dictionaries. In dictionary writing, a key corresponds to a value, and the order of the keys in the dictionary is not important. variable = { key : value, key : value,


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不一定正确,如果有问题欢迎指正。   现在主机上把自己要添加的硬盘安装上去。 切换到root用户。然后输入下面的命令: fdisk -l 找到自己的新的硬盘的Disk的名称(如:/dev/sdf)。 输入下面命令: mkfs 看看输出是否有mkfs.ext4,如果有的话。进行如下操作(如果没有的话,目前不知道如何处理。

CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora google chrome提示--no-sandbox

vi /usr/bin/google-chrome 将 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH export CHROME_VERSION_EXTRA="stable" # We don't want bug-buddy intercepting our crashes. http://crbug.com/24120 export GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG=SET_BY_GOOGLE_CHROME exec -a "$0&q