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General English:9

Unit 2 Negotiating

Vocabulary Neogtiating vocabulary

bulk discount  批量折扣

preliminary offer

bulk discount

full price

general office laptop

check with


Okay.Let's look at your preliminary offer.You want to buy 15 SF-36s and 30 PF-30s.

And we want a bulk discount to lower their prices.

I'm afraid a bulk discount's out of the question.i'm really sorry,but we can't offer a discount on only 50 computers.

Nancy,help us out here.Threre's no way we can pay the full price.

Joan,I want to work with you.IXW ans Sunset together could be a huge customer for us in the future.
Here's what I can do.I purpose that you not buy the PF-30.

Let me get this straight.You're suggesting we don't buy laptops?

No,I'm suggesting you don't buy the PF-30s.

So what do you propose we buy?

The PF-29,A general office laptop.A little bit slower than the 30.but all our customers love it.

Joan,she's right.I know the PF-29,It's fine for what we need.

I didn't know you still sold them.

Okay,So,um,how much?

What would you say if I ordered them to you for $600 each?

I think I'd probably accept.It's easily within our budget.

I can't confirm this today.I'll have to check with my boss.

And,um,I want more information from you two.

Why don't we meet later in the week and finalize this?

That would be great.


At the beginning of negotiations, their preliminary offer was $475 per general office laptop. 
That's full price ! Obviously, we couldn't accept that. 
Then, because we wanted to buy 175 machines, they offered us a bulk discount . 
I checked with my boss, and we finalized the deal at $425 per machine.

Reading Negotiating strategies

Negotiate to win-win!

The best kind of negotiation ends in a win-win situation. 
That is, both sides feel that the final deal was good for them.
There are specific negotiating strategies that can be used. First, 
separate the people from the negotiations.
Don't let emotions and personalities get in the way of an agreement.
Second, don't focus too much on preliminary offers. 
Try to understand what will be good for both sides. 
Third, work with the other side to find solutions that will lead to a win-win result. Finally, 
be honest and fair. Look at the facts on both sides. 
Try following these steps to increase your chances of a win-win result.


Expressions Negotiating

Let's look at your preliminary offer.

A bulk discount's out of the question.

Help us out here.

I want to work with you.

Here's what I can do.

I propose that you not buy ...

Let me get this straight.

So what do you propose we buy?

What would you say if I offered ...?

I think I'd probably accept.

There is a lot of back and forth in negotiations. Use these expressions to talk about offers and proposals:

Your preliminary offer was much higher than we expected.

I propose that you buy a different model.

What do you propose that we do?	

My offer is 300 units at $250 each.

Use these expressions to reject an offer or proposal:

I'm afraid that price is out of the question.

I'm sorry, but we can't offer that kind of discount.

There's just no way we can accept your offer.

Use these expressions to make a counteroffer:

I have a counteroffer for you. How about 20%?

What would you say if I offered $500?

Would you consider increasing the quantity?

Delaying a decision

I can't confirm this today.

I'll have to check with my boss.

I want more information.

Why don't we meet later in the week?

Complete the sentences the speakers use to delay making a decision. Move the text to the correct gap.

I can't decide this on my own. I'll have to check with my boss first.
I can't confirm this today. I don't know if we have enough money in the budget.
I want more information on this computer. I can't make a decision yet.
We need more time. Why don't we meet later in the week?

Final Task Negotiating

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/15142558.html