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[题解]CF1110G Tree-Tac-Toe

感觉这题非常牛逼,写个题解纪念一下。其实就是抄写 Itst 博客。 显然黑色不可能赢。 先假设没有提前涂白的点。 考虑前 \(O(1)\) 步白色必胜的情况: 存在点的度数 \(\geq 4\)。 存在点的度数 \(=3\),并且所连的 \(3\) 个点中至少有 \(2\) 个非叶子节点。 其余情况,树的形态就只

348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe

class TicTacToe { int n; int[] rows; int[] cols; int diag=0; int antiDiag = 0; public TicTacToe(int n) { this.n = n; rows = new int[n]; cols = new int[n]; } public int move(int row, int col, in

348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe

Assume the following rules are for the tic-tac-toe game on an n x n board between two players: A move is guaranteed to be valid and is placed on an empty block. Once a winning condition is reached, no more moves are allowed. A player who succeeds in plac

【CF3C Tic-tac-toe】题解

题目链接 题目 Certainly, everyone is familiar with tic-tac-toe game. The rules are very simple indeed. Two players take turns marking the cells in a 3 × 3 grid (one player always draws crosses, the other — noughts). The player who succeeds first in placin

CF1450C2 Errich-Tac-Toe

#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> const int MAXN = 300; int T , n , k , cnt; char str[ MAXN + 5 ][ MAXN + 5 ] , Ans[ MAXN + 5 ][ MAXN + 5 ]; int main( ) { scanf("%d",&T); while( T -- ) { scanf("%d",&n); k =

CNA, FCoE, TOE, RDMA, iWARP, iSCSI等概念及 Chelsio T5 产品介绍

https://www.cnblogs.com/zafu/p/10557800.html   2016年09月01日   鉴于研究所的需求,最近开始研究Chelsio T5(终结者5),本篇博文对相关技术的基础概念做了罗列,并给了一些扩展学习链接。后续自己将针对RDMA技术做进一步学习和研究! 核心基础概念 FCoE:以太网光纤通道 (Fibre Chan

CF1100G Tree-Tac-Toe 题解

这题在 CF rating 是 3100+,听了讲评之后感觉醍醐灌顶。 如果您不看题解就 AC,那您是真的强。 首先,我们发现,黑不可能赢。 接下来,考虑一种简单的情况:没有任何点初始时有颜色。 情况 1:树中有一个点 \(A\) 的度大于等于 \(4\)。 我们假设它连着 \(B,C,D,E\) 等点。那么,白方下 \(A\),不妨

3C - Tic-tac-toe

原题链接https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/3/C 题目本身不难,但是细节很多 题意:给你一个井字棋盘,要求你判断其状态 思路:按照规则判断即可,难的是不合法状态考虑不全,先手和后手赢的时候,两个人棋盘上的棋子关系是固定的。 代码如下 char g[5][5]; bool flag = false; //判断

CF1450C1 Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version)/CF1450C2 Errich-Tac-Toe (Hard Version)

Description The only difference between the easy and hard versions is that tokens of type O do not appear in the input of the easy version. Errichto gave Monogon the following challenge in order to intimidate him from taking his top contributor spot on Co

Tic-Tac-Toe with AI

注意在循环中在try语句中使用nextInt()方法至少两次以上时,如果在第一次nextInt() catch exception 并重新执行循环,那么接下来的nextInt()执行的是之前输入行未读取晚剩下的部分, 有可能进入循环。解决方法是 先全部读取成,然后再判断. private void nextCell(char[][] cells, Scanne

348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe

package LeetCode_348 /** * 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe * (Lock by leetcode) * https://www.lintcode.com/problem/design-tic-tac-toe/description * Design a Tic-tac-toe game that is played between two players on a n x n grid. You may assume the following ru


能源必知的油气当量,标准煤换算 http://www.360doc.com/content/19/0513/18/63592782_835459328.shtml1000-1255立方米天然气等于一吨当量石油一吨石油 等于 7.3桶石油一吨石油 等于1.5吨原煤大概的比率。         油气当量就是将天然气产量按热值折算

LeetCode 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe

原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tic-tac-toe/ 题目: Design a Tic-tac-toe game that is played between two players on a n x n grid. You may assume the following rules: A move is guaranteed to be valid and is placed on an empty block. Once

【转帖】【收藏】 能源必知的油气当量,标准煤换算

【收藏】 能源必知的油气当量,标准煤换算  https://www.sohu.com/a/219096462_738536   油气当量就是将天然气产量按热值折算为原油产量的换算系数。标准油气当量,是根据原油和天然气的热值折算而成的油气产量,一般取1255立方米天然气=1吨原油,通常为了简化,取1000立方米天然

题解:Tic Tac Toe(模拟)

Tic Tac Toe is a child’s game played on a 3 by 3 grid. One player, X, starts by placing an X at an unoccupied grid position. Then the other player, O, places an O at an unoccupied grid position. Play alternates between X and O until the grid is filled

Ackermann Steering System

  Source : https://www.hotrod.com/articles/ctrp-0407-ackermann-steering-system/ Tuning Your Steering System To Reduce Drag One of the critical elements of proper chassis alignment is the steering system. The front wheels must work together, just like the


https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/847/B #include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#include<math.h>#include<string>#include<stdio.h>#include<map>#include<queue>#define ll long long#define inf 0

Team Tic Tac Toe 题解

题面: 翻译: 有一些牛在玩一个游戏: 他们把一些字母写在一个3*3的黑板上. 这些奶牛的名字的首字母分别是A…Z 如果黑板上有相同的字母能够连成一行/一列/一斜.那么名字首字母为这个字母的牛获胜. 但是这样的话太难获胜了,所以这个游戏可以允许两个人合作. 如果有两个字母可以