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SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II 题目大意 给出 \(n\) 个数,\(q\) 次询问,求最大子段和,相同的数只算一次。 分析 看到一个区间内相同的数只能算一次,经验告诉我们要考虑离线。 我们将区间按照右端点排序,用pre[i]来表示i上次出现的位置。 接下来,我们来考虑线段树需要维

SP6779 GSS7 - Can you answer these queries VII

GSS7 - Can you answer these queries VII GSS7 (Luogu) 题面翻译 题目描述 给定一棵树,有\(N(N \le 100000)\)个节点,每一个节点都有一个权值\(x_i (|x_i| \le 10000)\) 你需要执行\(Q (Q \le 100000)\)次操作: 1 a b 查询(a,b)这条链上的最大子段和,可以为空(即输出\(0\)) 2 a b c 将

SP1557 GSS2 - Can you answer these queries II

题意 求区间最大去重后的子段和。 Solution 考虑到 CF997E 的套路。求区间子段计数的问题,可以采用离线的方式。还是一样考虑移动右端点。那么在线段树上 \(i\) 位置存储 \([i,r]\) 的去重后的子段和。 现在考虑端点移动。加入了一个 \(a_r\),只会对上一次出现 \(a_r\) 的位置之后的

洛谷SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III

题目链接   操作一就是很简单的单点修改。操作二求最大子段和是本题的重点。   最大子段和可能分布在这个节点的左儿子的最大子段和,要么是右儿子的最大子段和,要么是横跨两部分(左儿子的后缀加右儿子的前缀)。而当前节点的最大前缀是\(\max \{pre[ls], sum[ls] + pre[rs]\}\),最


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高二课标外研第49期答案汇总   Sometime back, after a six­year­old lioness named Magigi repeatedly killed cattle, Botswana authorities caught and moved her into Central Kalahari Game Reserve, far from people. Magigi spent most of

linux下启动Vue项目,报错these dependencies were not found;Windows下正常

报错截图          原因: windows对大小写不敏感;linux严格区分大小写 文件名:     文件名和引入路径名改为一致即可;  另:更改文件名大小写后;文件更改没有识别(gitlab不识别文件大小写)  

专题二树形结构 E - Can you answer these queries V

题目 You are given a sequence A[1], A[2], ..., A[N] . ( |A[i]| <= 10000 , 1 <= N <= 10000 ). A query is defined as follows: Query(x1,y1,x2,y2) = Max { A[i]+A[i+1]+...+A[j] ; x1 <= i <= y1 , x2 <= j <= y2 and x1 <= x2 , y1 <= y2 }

Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed

原文:https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi14/osdi14-paper-yuan.pdf Introduction We found the majority of catastrophic failures could easily have been prevented by performing simple testing on error handling code – the last line of defense – ev

Can you answer these queries 1?

Can you answer these queries 1? 代码 #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; const int M = 1e5 + 5; int m, n, len, a[M]; int lg[M << 2], pos[M], p[21][M], s[21][M]; #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b)

Can you answer these queries III?

Can you answer these queries III? 代码 #include<iostream> #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b))?(a):(b) using namespace std; const int maxn = 100005; int n, m, x, y; struct segmentTree { int l, r; int lmax, rmax, sum, dat; }tr[maxn << 2]; int a[max

Can you answer these queries III

You are given a sequence A of N (N <= 50000) integers between -10000 and 10000. On this sequence you have to apply M (M <= 50000) operations: modify the i-th element in the sequence or for given x y print max{Ai + Ai+1 + .. + Aj | x<=i<=j<=

【树形结构】训练题A - Can you answer these queries I

题意 就是要求一个区间的连续的最大字段和 思路 线段树,注意用结构体建树来的会更方便一些 代码 #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<stack> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm>


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第27期答案及试题   Even in the first few months of life, children begin to experiment with language. Young babies make sounds that imitate(模仿)the tones and rhythms of adult talk; they “read" gestures and facial expressions,

es启动报错解决 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing

es启动报错解决 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing 1.启动报错 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing 在使用elk的时候,有时候会因为服务器突然宕机,导致es无法重新

es启动报错解决 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing

es启动报错解决 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing 1.启动报错 maybe these locations are not writable or multiple nodes were started without increasing 在使用elk的时候,有时候会因为服务器突然宕机,导致es无法重新

正则表达式练习之Regex Golf

概述 学习了正则表达式之后一定要练习才有用。 Regex Golf是一个很有用的正则表达式练习网站。 注:练习其实只做前十道题就可以了,后面的很难涉及的正则表达式知识很深,平时也用不到那么深的,而且也没有那种必要,遇到了也不需要用正则表达式来解决自然有更优更简单的解决方式。 Wa

nlfsoj 20035 #10851 最大连续子段和 SP1716 GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III

\(n\) 个数,\(q\) 个操作 操作 \(0\ x\ y\) 表示把 \(a_x\) 修改为 \(y\) 操作 \(1\ l\ r\) 询问 \([l,r]\) 的最大子段和 \(1\leq n,q\leq 50000,|y|\leq 10000\) sol1 线段树做法 . 每个节点维护,前缀最大值 \(a\),后缀最大值 \(b\),区间内最大连续子段和 \(c\) , 区间和 \(w\) .

G9U6-1 Getting acquainted

1 Expressions Getting people getting acquainted 熟悉起来 Referring 参考 conversation starters 对话启动器 common ground 共同点。 Referring to a length of time Use expressions like these to greet someone you haven't seen for a long time, and to express how

HDU - 4027 Can you answer these queries?(线段树)

题目链接 思路: 1.查询:区间查询板子 2.修改: 要将线段树区间修改稍微改一下,因为每次区间修改都把该区间所有的数修改为向下取整的原值开根号,所以一个1e18次方的数修改超过50次(我猜的)大概就会变成1,而 1修改的话值不变,所以当修改区间的所有值都为1时就不用再修改该区间了直接r

[题解] SPOJ GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I

[题解] SPOJ GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I · 题目大意 要求维护一段长度为 \(n\) 的静态序列的区间最大子段和。 有 \(m\) 次询问,每次询问输出区间 \([L,R]\) 的最大子段和。 \(|a[i]| \leq 15007\),\(1 \leq m,n\leq5\times10^4\) · 解题思路 首先想到如果用线段树的


题单 数据结构 SP2916 GSS5 - Can you answer these queries V SP1043 GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I 数论 DP P1262 间谍网络 P3146 [USACO16OPEN]248 G

Window Classes

Window Classes (CommCtrl.h) This section lists the window class names provided by the common control library. Window Classes (CommCtrl.h) ConstantDescription ANIMATE_CLASS Creates animation controls. These controls silently display an audio video int

Mac的代理proxies配置Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains 无法写多个,逗号自动变顿号

  Mac代理配置逗号自动修改后无效 Mac代理配置逗号自动修改后无效 解决办法   Mac代理配置逗号自动修改后无效 经常会有外网无法直接访问,公司内部需要通过代理上网,要排除一些不走代理的情况,然后mac会有个问题,配置中过滤不走代理的设置经常会逗号自动变成顿号。 解决办法 将


记录一下,怕以后忘记,有些还没有看懂,不懂的先猜以及跑例子,之后再补。   目录 准备 reduce reduceLeft reduce reduceRight Flod 未完待续  准备 关于类型,在控制台运行可以方便观察到类型 val one = 1    // 输出:one: Int = 1, 类型:Int val list = List(1, 2) // 输出:list: Li

Oracle数据库——Scheduler Job

  日常的运维工作中,我们经常使用Linux Server的anacron服务来使得服务器执行一下计划之内的任务,可以按照特定的时间间隔,重复的执行相关的命令或者相关的脚本,来完成预期的目标,能够节省相关的人力,使得运维变得更加容易。 对于Oracle数据库来说,当然也提供了相关的功能来实现定时的