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Sometime back, after a six­year­old lioness named Magigi repeatedly killed cattle, Botswana authorities caught and moved her into Central Kalahari Game Reserve, far from people. Magigi spent most of her time within the reserve's protective boundaries, but after a year she escaped outside and was shot dead by a farmer. New research Maude and his colleagues have conducted confirms that Magigi's unfortunate story is common for many relocated lions. For decades, wildlife managers in a number of African countries have used such a kind way to deal with lions that repeatedly kill livestock  But the new research shows that after lions are moved, most continue to kill livestock and endanger villagers' living.

Across Africa, lion numbers have fallen by 43 percent in the past two decades, to as few as 23,000 animals today. About 3,000 remain in Botswana. The sharp declines are primarily driven by development — lions now occupy just 8 percent of their historic habitat. With less space set aside for conservation, lions are more frequently coming into contact with humans. These are usually farms, expanding around the edges of the protected areas. The lions eat livestock, which negatively impacts the livelihood of the farmers in these rural areas. Without a proper way to prevent these attacks, the farmers often turn to deadly force, shooting or poisoning the lions, which has resulted in the decrease in lion population.

“Rather than trying to move lions,” wildlife conservationist Glyn Maude says, “emphasis should be placed on reducing the chances of lions encountering and killing livestock in the first place” Many preventative measures are being tested in various African countries, including hiring lion guardians (守卫者) to monitor these big cats, creating lion­proof fences, sending out lion text alerts, and teaching herders to keep livestock away from high­risk areas.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/16128461.html