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Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment review L6

The future Intermediate Topic LEVEL 6 The future Talking about the environment Talking about the future technology Discussing business changes Writing about life in the future. Hopes and dreams Talking about your hopes for the future Discussing life choic

Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment

Intermediate-Personal Verbal Assessment Thursday, October 07 @ 15:30 (UTC+08:00) Peter H. Video lesson Hello,Teacher,My name is Eistert,I am a programmer.In my free time.I like go hikeing,play basketball and running in the park.Nice to meet you. I parpare

Unit1 Talking about music you like

General English:7 Music Unit1 Talking about music you like Vocabulary classical,hip-hop,techno,rock,pop,jazz,punk,country,folk Felton:You know,lan says I know nothing about music but,you know,I tend to disagree, because I listen to almost any style of m

Unit2 Talking about your hopes and dreams

General English:7 Unit2 Talking about your hopes and dreams Vocabulary studying,working,hoping,teaching,rewarding,boring,unchallenging,managing Words with -ing when you see or hear a word ending in -ing,there are there possibilities:it's an adjectiv

Unit1 Talking about future technology

General English:7 Unit1 The future Talking about future technology VOCABULARY technology,robot,human body,cell,medical scanner,DNA,the elderly,Genetic scanners,cancel cells,bodies,tiny robot Expressions Let's learn some Expressions for describing wh

Unit1-The future-Talking about the environment

General English:Level7 Unit1 The future Talking about the environment VOCABULARY gasoline,charges,commuting,electric car,the environment,air quality,pollution,coal,natural gas. GRAMMAR First conditional Hearing if what will happen if....? If i am late

从零开始搭建"Talking Head Anime from a Single Image"的使用环境

目录前言安装Anaconda配置python环境安装CUDA安装CUDNN安装pytorch安装dlib下载工程文件运行 前言 由于朋友想要体验一下现代机器学习的神奇之处,帮朋友从零开始装了次pytorch运行环境,顺便写篇笔记记录一下.(才不是我馋他的2080) Talking Head Anime from a Single Image项

转载 AI-Talking 图算法

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2XRgJr-ydxHA3JxAZ_5HeA 图算法在风控业务的实践   直播行业中有很多业务风控问题,比如说批量注册、刷热度、垃圾信息以及薅羊毛等。图兴起以来,目前用得很广泛的一个场景便是业务风控。       图视角进行业务风控的优势是: 图可以描述黑产团伙作

What Are You Talking About

Ignatius is so lucky that he met a Martian yesterday. But he didn't know the language the Martians use. The Martian gives him a history book of Mars and a dictionary when it leaves. Now Ignatius want to translate the history book into English. Can yo

python3 定时器Timer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from threading import Timerdef talk(name): print("%s is talking." % name)if __name__ == '__main__': '''Timer(等待多少秒, 执行的函数, args给函数传参数)''' timer = Timer(3, talk, args=("