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9.9雅思大作文printed books vs ebooks

Some people think that printed books are no longer needed in a digital era because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books will still play an important role. Discuss both and give your own opinion.   We now inhabit the ag

ending & the new start

写些什么呢。 NOI 2022 的落幕,HZOI2020,已成为一个过去的名字。 而我,一个突然的插入者,也正是与 HZOI2020 的一个告别。 这两年的接触以来,也经历了很多,感受到了很多,也感谢大家能让我有一种集体的感觉。 像我这种社交废柴是真的到现在小学初中同学认不全名的) HZOI2020 祝好。 大概可

Is it true that JLR Pathfinder will be closing in April?

Is it true that Jaguar and Land rover Pathfinder will be shut down in April? Yes Topix cloud diagnostic only from April. With Topix cloud you can do only diagnosis, no programming modules and so on. Just basic things. The cracked version should still wor

MathProblem 25 Guess the age problem

Person x and y have the following conversation: x: I forgot how old your three kids are. y: The product of their ages is 36. x: I still don't know their ages. y: The sum of their ages is the same as your house number. x: I still don't know their

Warning: Stopping docker.service, but it can still be activated by: docker.socket

执行 systemctl stop docker 后提示“Warning: Stopping docker.service, but it can still be activated by: docker.socket” 解释:这是docker在关闭状态下被访问自动唤醒机制,很人性化,即这时再执行任意docker命令会直接启动 注:如果真的不希望docker被访问自动唤醒,执行 systemctl

Apr 19th 2022

The city goverment says it's enhancing coordination between temporary hospital and residential communities regarding recorvered COVID-19 patients who were discharged(出院) and still require quarantine at home. More neighbors are starting understand tha


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高三课标外研第13期答案汇总   In addition, there are also challenges when it comes to beauty. Today's VR headsets look almost entirely the same-they are huge and heavy and they look silly. Producers must find a way in order to mak

Is this still acceptable to you? The closest location we can manage is

如果磁盘之前已经有分区表,但是分区表没有对齐,你没有执行 mklabel gpt 就执行 mkpart 就可能会提示磁盘分区从0开始对齐需要接近扇区,这个警告需要通过使用 -a optimal 参数来修正: Warning: You requested a partition from 0.00GB to 3840GB (sectors 0..7500000000). T


Good afternoon,dear teachers I am glad to be here. My name is XXX,22years old and i come from zhangjiang,a very beautiful city. I majored in Computer Science and Technology in NanFang college. After entering the University,I have always maintained curiosi

USTC English Club Note20211227

#Back to the start# Can you still remember where it all began? Can you still remember the reason why you depart from the comfort zone? When looking back upon the experience, can you recognize yourself immediately? We should stay true to the original self.

markdown mermaid状态图

状态图 状态图是一种用于计算机科学和相关领域描述系统行为的图。状态图要求描述的系统由有限数量的状态组成。 语法: stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving:push Moving --> Still:摩擦 Moving --> Crash:速度过快 Crash -->

git clone failed报错 4069 bytes of body are still expected

clone 时提示clone failed 异常信息如下: 4:07 下午    Clone failed                 4069 bytes of body are still expected                 fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet                 earl

【Rust日报】 2019-06-16:用 Rust, Haskell, C++ 等实现同一个工程的

tx-rs - 一个提供 wrtie ahead 的原子交易库刚出来,仅供了解,这里的“交易”是指业务的原子性,常见于数据库中。与区块链或密码学中的交易,是不同的概念。类似于 STM。Repoduang - 使用宏来提供默认参数和命名参数一看就是国人的项目。命名有点玩耍的味道,但是思路和设计可以借鉴。use

Java Callable and Future学习

在本教程中,我们将学习Callable and Future。 Callable 在先前的教程中,我们使用一个Runnable对象来定义在线程内执行的任务。尽管使用定义任务Runnable非常方便,但是由于任务无法返回结果而受到限制。 如果要从任务中返回结果怎么办?   好吧,Java提供了一个Callable接口来定

《对于机器学习,识别环境信息依旧困难》 (Recognizing context is still hard in Machine Learning)

Machine Leanring 在人脸、目标以及其他模式识别任务中表现很好,但是无法识别环境信息(context)。 Definne Context(定义环境信息) 举个视频质量检测的例子:目标的算法在目标缺失、文件损坏或者metadata不匹配等任务较好的完成,但是无法告诉你image是反方向的,如下图: 人可以直接的判

NEKO's Maze Game 题解

Topic NEKO#ΦωΦ has just got a new maze game on her PC! The game's main puzzle is a maze, in the forms of a 2×n2×n rectangle grid. NEKO's task is to lead a Nekomimi girl from cell (1,1)(1,1) to the gate at (2,n)(2,n) and escape the maze. The girl

MQTT协议系列之(二):keep alive

MQTT Keep Alive MQTT includes a keep alive function that provides a workaround for the issue of half-open connections (or at least makes it possible to assess if the connection is still open). Keep alive ensures that the connection between the broker and


In the two years before the spring of my junior year of my colleage, I accomplished not a single thing of practical use. Wholly avoiding wholesome association with the opposite sex, diligence towards my studies, the discipline of my phisical body, and oth

Nevertheless 和 Nonetheless,你用对了吗?

本文转自:https://www.sohu.com/a/229443257_338773   Nevertheless 以及 nonetheless 都可以表示转折。很多人很多课程也提到这两者基本上可以交替使用。但是,他们之间还是有不同之处。 首先,据语言学家考证,nevertheless 早在14世纪就出现了。而 nonetheless 出现在可考的文献中比前


   唔,迟到了三个月的感言呢。    我就这样离开OI了,成为了一个退役的OIer,当年高一的时候还觉得自己有很多时间,没想转眼间自己就退役了。呵呵,来到OI 从没有在这个世界带起一丝风浪,也没有拿到一个满意的答复,两年时间,只单单拿到了市奖,可是这又有什么用呢。整天被梁逗逗的 叫,或许