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完全不理解为什么这个TLE了,nmmd #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int count1 = 0; bool compare(int a, int b) { return a > b; } vector<int> read_in(int n, int &sum) { vector<int>


Triangle 题目(https://acs.jxnu.edu.cn/problem/CF6A)描述: Johnny has a younger sister Anne, who is very clever and smart. As she came home from the kindergarten, she told his brother about the task that her kindergartener asked her to solve. The task was just

(LightOJ - 1342)Aladdin and the Magical Sticks(概率DP)

题目链接:Aladdin and the Magical Sticks - LightOJ 1342 - Virtual Judge (ppsucxtt.cn) 题意:有N根木棍,每根木棍都有一个权值 其中有一些木棍可识别,另一些木棍不可识别的,抽到了可识别的棍子,就不放回,抽到了不可识别的,就要放回 ,问所有棍子都至少被抽过一次后权值和的期望。 我们

Lintcode 1872 · Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks [Python]

题目在下方。读题目,有点儿费解,但是基本思路就是每次选择最小的棍子和第二小的棍子,加起来,丢回棍子堆里,然后继续重复,直到只剩下一个整的棍子。很容易想到用堆。 import heapq class Solution: """ @param sticks: the length of sticks @return: Minimum Cost to C

A - Make 10

https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc126/tasks/arc126_a 题面 We have N2 sticks of length 2 each, N3 sticks of length 3 each, and N 4 sticks of length 4 each. You can do the following operation any number of times.Choose two sticks. Let x and y be the length

Wooden Sticks

Wooden Sticks 题目 There is a pile of n wooden sticks. The length and weight of each stick are known in advance. The sticks are to be processed by a woodworking machine in one by one fashion. It needs some time, called setup time, for the machine to prep

1167. Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks 一直选取最小值来拼棍子

You have some number of sticks with positive integer lengths. These lengths are given as an array sticks, where sticks[i] is the length of the ith stick. You can connect any two sticks of lengths x and y into one stick by paying a cost of x + y. Yo

[LeetCode] 1167. Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks

You have some number of sticks with positive integer lengths. These lengths are given as an array sticks, where sticks[i] is the length of the ith stick. You can connect any two sticks of lengths x and y into one stick by paying a cost of x + y. Yo


连接棒材的最低费用 描述 为了装修新房,你需要加工一些长度为正整数的棒材 sticks。 如果要将长度分别为 X 和 Y 的两根棒材连接在一起,你需要支付 X + Y 的费用。 由于施工需要,你必须将所有棒材连接成一根。 返回你把所有棒材 sticks 连成一根所需要的最低费用。 注意你可以任

UVA11554 Hapless Hedonism【数学计算+大数】

Bob is a world-renowned stick collector. His most prized stick possessions include: • an Arctic Redwood branch from a hike near Dawson City, • a Desert Pine stick from a visit to the Grand Canyon, and • a Chinese Arbour twig from an adventure into Tib

CodeForces571A. Lengthening Sticks(组合数学-容斥)

题目大意: a,b,c三根木棍可以增加三个不同的数字,aa,bb,cc,且aa+bb+cc<=L,问能构成三角形的木棒有多少种方案 题目思路: 如果我们直接考虑把L分配给aa,bb,cc好像不好下手 所以逆向考虑 合法的情况  =  所有情况 - 不合法的情况   step1: 首先计算所有的情况 假设L当时为l 我们把长

【线段树】hdu 1698 Just a Hook

In the game of DotA, Pudge’s meat hook is actually the most horrible thing for most of the heroes. The hook is made up of several consecutive metallic sticks which are of the same length.Now Pudge wants to do some operations on the hook.Let us number the

A. Buying Torches

time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are playing a very popular game called Cubecraft. Initially, you have one stick and want to craft kk torches. One torch can be crafted using 

[leetcode/lintcode 题解] Amazon面试题:连接棒材的最低费用

为了装修新房,你需要加工一些长度为正整数的棒材 sticks。 如果要将长度分别为 X 和 Y 的两根棒材连接在一起,你需要支付 X + Y 的费用。 由于施工需要,你必须将所有棒材连接成一根。 返回你把所有棒材 sticks 连成一根所需要的最低费用。注意你可以任意选择棒材连接的顺序。 ​​1


# 题意一组长度相等的木棒,把他们随机砍断,使得每一节木棍的长度不超过50个单位,恢复到剪前的状态,不知道开始有多少根以及他们的长度,计算木棒可能的最小长度 # 题解因为木棒是等长的所以最开始木棒的长度一定是所有木棒长度和约数,并且原始木棒的根数就等于sum/len 参数中所包含的状态


— By cuizhenkai1.优化搜索顺序从小到大排序, 优先尝试较长的木棍。理解: 从最大开始可以较快的排除不可能的分支,避免dfs进入比较深的树。 若从最小开始,则有可能前几根可以拼好,但是后面的不能满足条件,让dfs进入了更深的层。 2. 排除等效冗余A ) 限制先后加入一根原始木棍的长度

[POJ2452] Sticks Problem

Description Xuanxuan has n sticks of different length. One day, she puts all her sticks in a line, represented by S1, S2, S3, ...Sn. After measuring the length of each stick Sk (1 <= k <= n), she finds that for some sticks Si and Sj (1<= i < j

挑战程序设计竞赛2.3:Wooden Sticks POJ - 1065

There is a pile of n wooden sticks. The length and weight of each stick are known in advance. The sticks are to be processed by a woodworking machine in one by one fashion. It needs some time, called setup time, for the machine to prepare processing a sti

[LeetCode 1167] Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks

You have some sticks with positive integer lengths. You can connect any two sticks of lengths X and Y into one stick by paying a cost of X + Y.  You perform this action until there is one stick remaining. Return the minimum cost of connecting all t

POJ-2452-Sticks Problem(二分+RMQ)

Time Limit: 6000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=2452 Description Xuanxuan has n sticks of different length. One day, she puts all her sticks in a line, represented by S1, S2, S3, ...Sn. After measuring the length of each

Just a Hook(区间更新+区间和)

In the game of DotA, Pudge’s meat hook is actually the most horrible thing for most of the heroes. The hook is made up of several consecutive metallic sticks which are of the same length. Now Pudge wants to do some operations on the hook. Let us

题解|《算法竞赛进阶指南》 Sticks

题目描述George took sticks of the same length and cut them randomly until all parts became at most 50 units long. Now he wants to return sticks to the original state, but he forgot how many sticks he had originally and how long they were originally. Please he

POJ_2452 Sticks Problem 【ST表 + 二分】

一、题目   Sticks Problem 二、分析   对于$i$和$j$,并没有很好的方法能同时将他们两找到最优值,所以考虑固定左端点$i$。   固定左端点后,根据题意,$a[i]$是最小值,那么现在的问题就转化成了求以$a[i]$为左端点最小值的范围内,找到一个最大值$a[j]$的$j$,然后相减就是以$i$为左端

(kuangbin带你飞--计算几何)Pick-up sticks

原题目: Stan has n sticks of various length. He throws them one at a time on the floor in a random way. After finishing throwing, Stan tries to find the top sticks, that is these sticks such that there is no stick on top of them. Stan has noticed that the

LightOJ 1342 Aladdin and the Magical Sticks 期望(结论题)

题目传送门   题意:n根木棍,每根木棍都有一个权值,木棍有可识别的木棍和不可识别的木棍,每次抽取木棍时,会累加权值,如果是可识别的木棍就不放回,不可识别的木棍就放回,问每根木棍至少被抽取一次的概率是多少。   思路:论文题?     1类棍子只会拿起一次,ans+=权值     2类棍子会拿