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audio, audience, auditorium

audio-1. relating to hearing or sound2. relating to sound that is recorded or broadcast A sound that is audible is loud enough to be heard. ≠inaudible 副词: audibly; 名词:audibility audience的词源是hearing. A studio audience is a group of people who are in a

[USACO13JAN]Seating G

洛谷题面 题目大意 有 \(n\) 个座位,\(m\) 次操作。 \(\rm A\) 操作:将 \(a\) 名客人安置到最左的连续 \(a\) 个空位中,没有则不操作。 \(\rm L\) 操作:\([a,b]\) 的客人离开。 求 \(\rm A\) 操作中所有不操作的次数。 题目分析 和 \(\verb!P2894!\) 很像。注意这道题 \(\rm L\) 操作