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audio, audience, auditorium


1. relating to hearing or sound
2. relating to sound that is recorded or broadcast

A sound that is audible is loud enough to be heard. ≠inaudible 副词: audibly; 名词:audibility

audience的词源是hearing. A studio audience is a group of people who are in a television or radio studio watching while a program is being made, so that their clapping, laughter, or questions are recorded on the program.

auditorium的词源是place for hearing. An auditorium is a room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances. For movie theatres, the number of auditoria (or auditoriums) is expressed as the number of screens. Auditoria can be found in entertainment venues, community halls, and theaters, and may be used for rehearsal, presentation, performing arts productions, or as a learning space. 礼堂位于娱乐场所、社区会堂或剧院,可用于排练、演示、表演艺术作品或作为学习空间。

The seating areas can include some or all of the following:

A stadium is a large sports ground with rows of seats all round it.

六级/考研单词: podcast, loud, studio, clap, auditorium, entertain, venue, rehearse, stall, orchestra, arena, balcony, gallery, rear, seldom, prestige, layout, assemble, continent, stadium

The grand auditorium of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China; Beijing National Stadium;  National Speed Skating Oval



北京冬奥会三大场馆: 鸟巢、国家游泳中心(冰立方)、国家速滑馆(冰丝带), National Speed Skating Oval. 冰丝带位于北京市朝阳区近奥林匹克公园林萃路2号,设有座位12000个。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15859882.html