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Mysql Order By 字符串排序,1 10 2 20,以字符串排序,不是使用数字排序

一、问题描述: Mysql排序时如果用的的字段为字符串型的,排序规则是这样的:如1,10,2,20,3,4,5,这种排序是按照字符从第一个字符开始比较出来的,但不是我想要的,我想要的是:1,2,3,4,5……,10,20这种。   二、解决方案 排序时,把相应的字段转换成整型,使用CAST函数,如下: CAST(seat_row AS UNSIGNED) 完整


In biological classification, class (Latin: classis, 纲) is a taxonomic rank, as well as a taxonomic unit, a taxon, in that rank.[a] Other well-known ranks in descending order of size are life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and spec


A bench is a long seat on which multiple people may sit at the same time. Benches are typically made of wood, but may also be made of metal, stone, or synthetic materials. Many benches have arm and back rests; some have no back rest and can be sat on from


  出处:https://acs.jxnu.edu.cn/contest/23/board/challenge/B; Not Sitting 描述: Rahul and Tina are looking forward to starting their new year at college. As they enter their new classroom, they observe the seats of students are arranged in a n×mn×m grid. T

前端小项目(一)| 电影院座位预定(html,css,js)

前端小项目(一)| 电影院座位预定 前言 开始好好学习前端啦。学紫色爱心记录一波!! 初步学了html,css,js,在github上找了几个前端小项目模仿着练练手。第一个就是电影院座位预定页面,主要的功能是:选择看哪部电影、选择座位、自动生成价格。 完整代码放在https://github.com/titibabyb

python 抢票程序

#ticket.py import  openpyxl from selenium import  webdriver from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import  WebDriverWait #显示等待 from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ec #等待的条件 from  selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from

JZOJ 部分有关进制题目 (2)

1080-- 【基础】 挑战赛第三题——二进制中的1 传送门http://www.jzoj.cn/problem.php?id=1080 题目描述 给定一个正整数N,请找出N转化为二进制后,其中所有1的位置。二进制的最低位(最右侧)为第0位。 输入 输入中包含一个正整数N ( 1 <= N <= 1000000) 输出 输出N转换为二进制后,所有1

20个原生jsdemo:2 movie-seat-booking

HTML movie 电影数据 container 座位容器,用来提交座位数据 seats 座位数据 count  total 通过select标签选择电影数据;通过给座位div设计点击事件,来更新座位的数据,然后返回相应的count与total在页面上 CSS 主要需要修改点击后的seats主题 JS 1 populiateUI()//初始化界面 将座


使用python脚本实现查询火车票信息的效果图如下: 实现的代码: 1 # coding: utf-8 2 3 “”"命令行火车票查看器 4 5 Usage: 6 tickets [-gdtkz] 7 8 Options: 9 -h,–help 显示帮助菜单 10 -g 高铁 11 -d 动车 12 -t 特快 13 -k 快速 14 -z 直达 15 16 Example: 17 tickets 北


[problem description] the classroom seats in sun's school can be reserved every day. A person can occupy multiple seats and must have consecutive seats. If he can't occupy so many seats he requires, he won't want any more. In order to reduc

[LeetCode] 849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person_Medium tag: BFS, array

You are given an array representing a row of seats where seats[i] = 1 represents a person sitting in the ith seat, and seats[i] = 0 represents that the ith seat is empty (0-indexed). There is at least one empty seat, and at least one person sitting


项目实训第四周第二次记录 1.任务安排2.任务分析3.具体代码3.1 AppealService3.2 RepairService 1.任务安排 完成了基本的要求,对于申诉管理和报修管理,在测试的过程中,发现了异常情况,导致向用户重复发送了多条消息并且使得用户的违约次数成为了负数。 2.任务分析 通过分

Mysql__leecode/0626. 换座位

626. 换座位 一、刷题内容原题链接内容描述 二、解题方法1.方法一:使用 CASE【通过】2.方法二:使用位操作和 COALESCE() 一、刷题内容 原题链接 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/exchange-seats/ 内容描述 SQL架构 小美是一所中学的信息科技老师,她有一张 seat 座位表,平


项目实训第三周第三次记录 1.任务安排2.任务分析2.1显示待审核的申诉请求2.2同意申诉请求2.3拒绝申诉请求 3.具体代码3.1AppealMapper3.2AppealService3.3AppealController 1.任务安排 需要完成申诉管理,主要用于管理未签到用户的申诉请求。管理员可以同意用户的申诉请

learning english by picture-airport

(A)Check-In(办理登机手续) (1)ticket:机票 (2)ticket counter:检票柜台,票务柜台 (3)ticket agent:票务员 (4)suitcase:手提箱 (5)arrival and departure monitor:班机抵达出发时间屏   (B)Security(安检) (6)security checkpoint:安检关卡,安全检查点 (7)metal de

855. Exam Room

问题: 设计类: 给定N个座位。 入座:seat:给当前进入的考生,安排最远距离座位,返回座位号。 离开:leave(p):座位号为p的考生离开考场,该座位空出来。 Example 1: Input: ["ExamRoom","seat","seat","seat","seat","leave","seat"], [[10],[],[],[],[],[4],[]]

[LeetCode] 1845. Seat Reservation Manager

Design a system that manages the reservation state of n seats that are numbered from 1 to n. Implement the SeatManager class: SeatManager(int n) Initializes a SeatManager object that will manage n seats numbered from 1 to n. All seats are init


今天实现用python实现自动访问12306网站并抢票 准确工作 1.下载Chrome 驱动,需要与chrome版本保持一致 如何查看chrome浏览器版本-百度经验 (baidu.com) 2.下载代码中的相关包,主要selenuim、splinter 注意事项:sleep设置时注意爬取速度限制,chrome版本与驱动器版本需要保持一致,由

洛谷 P1607 [USACO09FEB]Fair Shuttle G(贪心+信心)

    const int N=1e5+5; int n,m; int i,j,k; struct Node { int l,r; int c; void read(){ sddd(l,r,c); } bool operator<(Node o){ if(r==o.r) return l<o.l; // return r<o.r;


Seata是Alibaba开源的一款分布式事务解决方案,致力于提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务,本文将通过一个简单的下单业务场景来对其用法进行详细介绍。 1.业务场景 单体应用 单体应用中,一个业务操作需要调用三个模块完成,此时数据的一致性由本地事务来保证。 微服务应用 随着

[Kotlin Spring boot] A simple demo app

Structure:   tempalates/seatBooking.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>com.virtualpairprogrammers.theater.se

849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person

You are given an array representing a row of seats where seats[i] = 1 represents a person sitting in the ith seat, and seats[i] = 0 represents that the ith seat is empty (0-indexed). There is at least one empty seat, and at least one person sitting

0849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person (M)

Maximize Distance to Closest Person (M) 题目 You are given an array representing a row of seats where seats[i] = 1 represents a person sitting in the ith seat, and seats[i] = 0 represents that the ith seat is empty (0-indexed). There is at least one empty s

[LeetCode]603. 连续空余座位(Mysql、自连接)

题目 几个朋友来到电影院的售票处,准备预约连续空余座位。 你能利用表 cinema ,帮他们写一个查询语句,获取所有空余座位,并将它们按照 seat_id 排序后返回吗? | seat_id | free | |---------|------| | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 0 | | 3 | 1 | | 4 | 1 |


这是一家公司的面试题,我做完了后在这里分享一下,还有的公司是多人抢票,原理是一样,多线程实现抢占机制。 代码: /** * */ package com.test.seat; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * * <p> * Description: * </p> * * @author xuyangwei *