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learning english by picture-airport



(1)ticket:机票 (2)ticket counter:检票柜台,票务柜台
(3)ticket agent:票务员 (4)suitcase:手提箱
(5)arrival and departure monitor:班机抵达出发时间屏  


(6)security checkpoint:安检关卡,安全检查点 (7)metal detector:金属探测器
(8)security officer:安检人员 (9)X-ray machine :X光机
(10)carry-on bag:随身行李  

(C)The Gate(登机口)

(11)check-in counter:值机柜台 (12)boarding pass:登机牌
(13)gate:登机口 (14)boarding area:登机区

(D)Baggage Claim(行李认领处)

(15)baggage claim area:行李认领区 (16)baggage carousel:行李传送带
(17)baggage/luggage:行李 (18)baggage cart:行李手推车
(19)baggage carrier:行李搬运架 (20)garment bag:西装袋
(21)baggage claim check:行李认领单  

(E)Customs and Immigration(海关及出入境检查)

(22)customs:海关 (23)customs officer:海关工作人员
(24)customs declaration form:报关单 (25)immigration:移民局入境检查处
(26)immigration officer:移民局工作人员 (27)passport:护照



(1)cockpit:驾驶舱 (2)pilot/captain:飞行员/机长
(3)co-pilot:副飞行员,飞机副驾驶 (4)lavatory:厕所,卫生间
(5)flight attendant:乘务员 (6)overhead compartment:头顶行李厢
(7)aisle:过道 (8)window seat:靠窗座位
(9)middle seat:中间座位 (10)aisle seat:靠过道座位
(11)Fasten Seat Belt sign:系好安全带指示灯 (12)No Smoking sign:禁止吸烟指示灯
(13)call button:呼叫按钮 (14)oxygen mask:氧气罩
(15)emergency exit:紧急出口 (16)tray table:小桌板
(17)emergency instruction card:紧急指导卡 (18)air sickness bag晕机(呕吐)袋
(19)life vest/life jacket:救生衣 (20)runway:(飞机)跑道
(21)terminal (building):航站楼 (22)control tower:控制塔,指挥调度塔


(A)take off your shoes:脱鞋 (B)empty your pockets:取出口袋中物品
(C)put your bag on the conveyor belt:把行李放在传送带上 (D)put your computer in a tray:把电脑放在托盘里
(E)walk through the metal detector:走过金属检测器 (F)check in at the gate:在登机口办理登机手续
(G)get your boarding pass:拿好登机牌 (H)board the plane:登机
(I)stow your carry-on bag:放好随身行李 (J)find your seat:找到座位,对号入座
(K)fasten your seat belt:系好安全带  


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/14964535.html