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正则表达式 1、正则表达式的概述 正则表达式(Regular Expression)是一个描述字符模式的对象, 用于对字符串进行匹配, 一般用在有规律的字符串匹配中;常用于表单验证以及相关的字符串匹配 2、正则对象的声明 (1)使用//来声明(常用的) var regx = /a/ //表示匹配a //字符串支持正则的方


删除pool提示错误 root@ceph01:/etc/ceph-cluster# ceph osd pool delete volumes volumes --yes-i-really-really-mean-it Error EPERM: pool deletion is disabled; you must first set the mon_allow_pool_delete config option to true before you can destroy a pool 修改ce


今天看argv用法的时候,看的有点迷糊,索性网上搜索一下,终于看到有个清楚明了的答案了 1.我们在桌面上创建一个test.py文件,文件内容如下: from sys import argv# 这一步是解包操作(也可以不写)script,one,two,three,four = argvprint("这是文件名:", argv[0])print("这是第一个变量:"

Git教程3-undo your changes

I didn't really know how I can name this chapter so basically I used the worst name,perhaps. I don't really have a website to show you even though we need codes of a website to help explain how git works in this situation,but I'm just too l

CodeForces - 717E Paint it really, really dark gray

题意:给出一棵树,每个结点是黑色或者粉色。每经过一个结点一次,这个结点变一次色(一开始站在根节点时不变色)。求一条路径,沿此路径走完后整棵树变成黑色。 解:到达一个结点后需不需要往下走取决于子树中有没有粉色结点,于是先dfs一次处理子树。然后开始解,如果有粉色结点,就递归递进去。回

The creative power of your intuition

So I am here to recruit you to the liberation movement. Now don’t worry. This is not the uniform that you have to wear. recruit 招募 liberation 解放 You can come as yourself So you’re probably wondering. Well, what are we being libearted from? We ar


1.移除pool ceph osd pool delete {pool-name} {pool-name} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it #删除pool 如果是第一次删除pool,需要在ceph.conf中配置如下信息 [mon] mon allow pool delete = true 配置完成后,使用systemctl restart ceph-mon.target 重启ceph-mon服务

ceph删除osd pool

删除ceph osd pool发现有以下log # ceph osd pool rm utopa utopa --yes-i-really-really-mean-it Error EPERM: pool deletion is disabled; you must first set the mon_allow_pool_delete config option to true before you can destroy a pool 一、修改配置文件: 进

Is SDN really Dead ?!

SDN真的死了吗?有人会说SDN已经死了,有些人则认为SDN仍然存在。真正的答案取决于如何定义SDN以及SDN的真正含义。 十年前,在SDN技术还处于起步阶段时,人们相信它将给网络架构带来突破性的变化。SDN架构在网络中引入了三个不同的层:包含所有网络元素的数据平面层、带有SDN控制器的控制平

Paint it really, really dark gray CodeForces - 717E

  Paint it really, really dark gray  CodeForces - 717E 题意 有一棵树 每个结点是粉色或黑色 每经过一个结点 就改变他的颜色 从1开始遍历 打印出一条路径 让所有结点都变成黑色 思路就是 每到达一个结点 就改变它的颜色 打印这个结点 然后看它的叶子结点 如果没有叶子结点 自