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5W2H分析法 目录5W2H分析法WHATWHYWHOWHENWHEREHOWHOW MUCH WHAT 要做的事情是什么 WHY 为什么要做 WHO 做事情的主体(人,团队等) WHEN 什么时间 WHERE 什么地点 HOW 怎么做 HOW MUCH 做这件事情的成本


常用句型 While … has/have brought great convenience to us, its/their rapid development has also aroused much concern about  …. 真题例句 1、在汽车为我们带来巨大便利的同时,它的快速发展也引起了很多关于安全的担心。 while cars have brought great convenience to u

42.(c#) switch..case用法

using System;class ChooseSubject{ static void Main() {  int i;  string str;  Console.WriteLine ("Please choose your favorite subjects:-1 is quit.");  Console.WriteLine ("1.Chinese.");  Console.WriteLine ("2.Maths.");  Console

too much recursion

今天在火狐浏览器上调试swagger接口遇到一个浏览器报错: too much recursion       刚开始以为接口出问题了,但是调试之后发现,后台有数据返回,往下一拉,看到了差不多两千多条数据,一下子就懂了。估计是数据太多,浏览器加载不出来了。         差不多两千条数据,估计是给浏览器

终结 Python 原生字典?-- much

字典是 Python 中基础的数据结构之一,字典的使用,可以说是非常的简单粗暴,但即便是这样一个与世无争的数据结构,仍然有很多人 "看不惯它" 。也许你并不觉得,但我相信,你看了这篇文章后,一定会和我一样,对原生字典开始有了偏见。我举个简单的例子吧当你想访问字典中的某个 key 时,你需要使用


1.写作1 2016.05.05 1.1 技巧层面 四六级作文不要求写题目,不写不扣分,写了不加分。 疯狂背作文,上考场就拼你背的,绝对见效。 1.2 词汇层面 很多:many a host of / a large number of / a large quantity of yy is very sexy ~= yy is exceedingly sexy not(adv) have--- no(adj)


进入查看:2021-2022学年英语周报八年级第4期答案及试题   表达个人观点句型1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. 就我而言,在某种程度上我同意后者的观点。2. As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the test/p


  I made a sad dream again, nearly cry from the dream.   The pressure.   I want to be nice to everyone, but finally, i got hurt.   Like my father said last time, he didn't know why i cried, you were supposed to be happy. I smiled, said,  you would ha

TensorRT setMaxWorkspaceSize的含义

NVIDIA的官方入门博客有一段说的比较详细 TensorRT allows you to increase GPU memory footprint during the engine building phase with the setMaxWorkspaceSize function. Increasing the limit may affect the number of applications that could share the GPU at th


 Habits:  smoking, eating junk food, gambling a lot, gossiping a lot, drinking too much coffee, eating too much, drinking too much beer   I’m drinking too much; I’m gambling a lot; I’m gossiping a lot ; I’m eating too much; I’m drinking too much b


是谁在耳边对我说!important提升权重优先级,只为这一句,我用了3600s研究通配符与标签!important的背景展示,也是让我怀疑人生了!选择器权值:标签选择器1,类选择器和伪类选择器:10,ID选择器:100,通配符选择器:0,行内样式:1000,!important 在一定条件下,优先级最高。根据百度官方介绍body


触发器(trigger):监视某种情况,并触发某种操作。 触发器创建语法四要素:1.监视地点(table) 2.监视事件(insert/update/delete) 3.触发时间(after/before) 4.触发事件(insert/update/delete) 语法: create trigger triggerName after/before insert/update/delete on 表名 for ea


脚本需要交互的时候,类似于py中的input功能, #!/bin/basj declare N echo "12 monkey" echo -n "hao much: :" read N echo "$((N*12))" read从键盘输入中读取到变量N的值使用了两句代码,实际上read可以使用 -p参数代替 #!/bin/basj declare N echo "12 monkey" read -p "how


jenkins服务器:linuxjenkins节点配置:主节点:linux,用法选择:Use this node as much as possible(尽可能的使用这个节点)从节点:windows,用法选择:Use this node as much as possible(尽可能的使用这个节点)主节点下有几十个job并且#of executors配置数量为2,而从节点只配置了一个项目。原因


  励志人生语录英语加翻译:   1. Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness.   生活的关键是平衡;成功的 关键是专注;幸福的关键是知足。   2. Learn to profit from your losses.   从失败中学习。励志   3. Ne

2019.6.28 校内测试 T1 Jelly的难题1

这题面有点难理解,建议直接跳到题意解释那一部分(虽然我觉得解释的不大对,但按照解释来做确实能AC); 按照“题意解释”的思路来思考这个题,那么就十分的简单了: 1.首先要读入这个字符矩阵,可以用cin(会不会TLE不知道),这里我用的是getchar读入; 2.从‘ * ’开始一遍广搜,记录一下每个‘ # ’


(1)记住两点 结构:be + done 动词是be动词(针对疑问句的中文流程来说) 举个例子: 1 这辆车被谁卖了? by whom was this car sold? 2 谁被卖了? who was who sold?------>who was sold? (2)borrow (借入)与 lend (借出)的区别 所谓的借入与借出都是杜宇主语来说的,举个例子体会一下: 1 他接了你多少


分页 默认分页:.pagination <ul class="pagination"> <li> <a>&laquo;</a> </li> <li> <a>1</a> </li> <li> <a>2</a> </li>

English trip V1 - B 1. How much is it? 它是多少钱? Teacher:Corrine Key: is/are

In this lesson you will learn to ask about prices. 本节课你将学习询问关于价格   课上内容(Lesson) one piece of     two pieces of          bread/meat/cake or cakes one bottle of     three bottles of       milk/water a bunch of       five bunche