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新概念英语第二册 lesson5 No wrong numbers

Lesson5 No wrong numbers 1. words 1.1 pigeon⭐️ n. 鸽子(信鸽,肉鸽) dove和平鸽 homing-pigeon 信鸽 =carrier-pigeon       one's pigeon⭐️ 某人的职责或责任 =one's business or responsibility   1.2 message n. 信息,口信(可数) A pigeon carried the


‍分分钟包学包会。正则表达式是什么?正则表达式,是一个表达式,用少量的简单字符,来表示复杂的长字符串。实际工作用到很多,比如日志搜索、查找替换、JMeter 响应数据提取等。先看一个例子,用户名包含字符、数字、下划线和连字符,并限制字符的个数:这个表达式可以接受 john_doe、jo-hn_doe


正则表达式是什么? 正则表达式,是一个表达式,用少量的简单字符,来表示复杂的长字符串。 实际工作用到很多,比如日志搜索、查找替换、JMeter 响应数据提取等。 先看一个例子,用户名包含字符、数字、下划线和连字符,并限制字符的个数: 这个表达式可以接受 john_doe、jo-hn_doe、john12_as,但

新概念英语第二册Lesson5:No wrong numbers

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers   无错号之虞   First listen and then answer the question.   听录音,然后回答以下问题。   What does 'No wrong numbers' mean?   Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhur

lesson5_No wrong numbers

【课文】 Mr james scott has a garage in Silbury, and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst, Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr scott can not get a phone for his new gargae.  so he just has bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday. a pigeons