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新概念英语第二册 lesson5 No wrong numbers


Lesson5 No wrong numbers

1. words

1.1 pigeon⭐️

  1. n. 鸽子(信鸽,肉鸽)

    homing-pigeon 信鸽
    one's pigeon⭐️ 某人的职责或责任
    =one's business or responsibility  

1.2 message

  1. n. 信息,口信(可数)

    A pigeon carried the urgent message from the front一只鸽子从前线捎回的紧急信息
    take a message for sb 为...捎口信
    leave sb a message 为...留口信
    get the message 明白,理解,收到暗示
  2. 区别

    information 资料,信息(不可数)
    a piece of information 一系列信息
    information technology(IT) 信息技术
    new 消息,新闻(不可数)
    a piece of news 一系列新闻
    newspaper 报纸(可数)

1.3 cover⭐️

  1. n. (书刊的)封皮⭐️

    read a book from cover to cover 一本书从头读到尾
    =read a book from beginning to end  
  2. n. 掩盖物,覆盖物,罩子,套子⭐️

    The seat cover is made of leather这个座套是皮做的
  3. v. 掩盖或遮盖某物⭐️

    eg : Cover the table with a table cloth.用桌布把桌子盖上
  4. v. 走过一段路程,越过,完成,看完⭐️

    eg : I cover 50 pages in an hour.我一个小时看了50页

1.4 distance

  1. n. 距离,间距

    eg : It's a great distance from here那里离这里很远
    keep one's distance from others 保持距离
    in the distance = far away 在远方
  2. distant

    distantadj. 远隔的,遥远的或远亲的
    eg : He is my distant nephew 他是我的远房外甥
    a distant village = a remote village 一个遥远的村庄

1.5 request

  1. n. 要求,请求

    request for sth对...的要求,请求...
    at one's request 应...的请求
    at one's invitation 应...的邀请
  2. v. 要求,请求

    request sth from sb向...要
    request sth of sb 向...要求...
    request sb to do... 要求某人做某事
    want sb to do... 想让某人做某事
    ask sb to do... 让某人做某事

1.6 spare⭐️

  1. adj. 多余的,剩余的,备用的⭐️

    spare part备件
  2. adj. 空闲的,未占用的⭐️

    spare time空闲时间
    eg : I have not spare time. 我没有空闲时间
  3. v. 宽恕,饶恕⭐️

    spare sb饶了某人
    eg : Spare me, please. 饶了我吧
  4. v.(为某人某事)提供(时间,金钱),拨出,分出⭐️

    eg : Can you spare me a few minutes?你能给我提供几分钟时间吗?
    spare the rod and spoil the child / kid. 棍棒出孝子(闲置了棍子就害了孩子)
  5. 形容词 spare 和动词 to spare 的区别

    eg : I cannot spare the time我花不起时间
    eg : I have no time to spare 我没有时间

1.7 service

  1. n. 业务,服务

    service center服务中心
    banking and insurance service 银行及保险业务
    telephone service 电话业务
    bear's service 帮倒忙
  2. serve

    serve sb 为某人服务
    serve the people 为人民服务
    serve the customers 为顾客服务

2. Key Structures⭐️

2.1 一般过去时

  1. 功能:


2.2 现在完成时

  1. 功能:


3. Text

Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.

Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private ‘telephone’ service.

3.1 Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.

a house with a separate garage 另设汽车房的房子
garage 加油站(兼做汽修)
a garage mechanic 加油站技术工
one...anther 一个...又一个
one...the other 一个,另一个
one the one hand...;on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

3.2 Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. ⭐️

from...to...⭐️ 从...到...
from door to door 挨家挨户
from China to Peru 遍天下

3.3 Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.⭐️

up to now迄今为止(搭配现在完成时)
=up till now  
=so far  
=up to present  
up to / till 到...为止,直到...
a great many + 谓语动词复数⭐️ 许多
a number of + 谓语动词复数⭐️ 许多
many a + 谓语动词单数⭐️ 许多
other pron. (作定语)另外的,别的,其他的
other pron. (作主语或宾语)另一个,另外(几个);另外的人或物
urgent adj. 紧急的,迫切的
an urgent message 紧急消息
an urgent case 紧急情况
an urgent cry 紧急呼救
urgency n. 紧急,迫切

3.4 In this way, he has begun his own private ‘telephone’ service.⭐️

own⭐️v. 拥有
= have ; possess  
own⭐️ adj. 自己的,私人的

4. Special Difficulties

4.1 in the way

in the way挡路 / 用这种方式
eg : Please move this chair.It's in the way 请搬开这张椅子,它挡着路了
eg : Do your work in the way I have shown you 按照我示范的方法去做这个工作
on the way 去某地的路上
on the way + 地点 去某地的路上
eg : On the way to the station, Ibought some chocolate. 在去火车站的路上,我买了一些巧克力
in this way 用这种方式
in that way 用那种方式
by the way 顺便问一句
in a way 在某种意义上
get one's own way 随心所欲

5. Exercises


Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ______ he has just bought twelve pigeons. A. That's so B. That's why C. Because D. For


What's the distance from Pinehurst to silbury? How ______ is pinhurst ______ Silbury? A. long ago... until B. long... away C. away... till D. far... from


Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His ______ garage is in Pinhurst. A. another B. other C. else D. different


We had a party last month and it was a lot of fun, so lets have ______ one this month. A. another B. more C. the other D. other




That's so真的,是这样
That's why 这就是为什么
Because 由于,因为
For 由于...的缘故,因为;



long ago... until搭配错误,long ago 不和 until 连用
long... away 可以表距离,应该是 long... away from
away... till away 不和 till 搭配
far... from 表示“离....有多远”



other 表“另外的,其他的”,作为形容词修饰其他成分,如the、his等修饰词
else 表“其他,另外的”,做形容词应该放在修饰词的后面
different 表“不同的”



another one另一个
more 更多的,加复数名词
the other 两者中其中一个
other 另外的,其它的,前面需要加冠词或所有格修饰


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jam--liu/p/15401520.html