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二十一世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)学习笔记(原文)——9 - Get Ready for Some Wild Weather(准备应对厄尔尼诺)

Unit 9 - Get Ready for Some Wild Weather(准备应对厄尔尼诺) Get Ready for Some Wild Weather Per Ola, Emily D'aulaire In March of 1997, Stephen Zebiak stared at his computer screen in alarm. The veteran climate researcher saw indications of a worldwide weather

全新版大学英语综合教程第二册学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——2 - The Richest Man In America, Down Home(美国“乡巴佬”首富)

Unit 2 - The Richest Man In America, Down Home Does being rich mean you live a completely different life from ordinary people? Not, it seems, if your name is Sam Walton. THE RICHEST MAN IN AMERICA, DOWN HOME Art Harris He put on a dinner jacket to serve a

现代大学英语精读第二版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——13B - Mr. Phileas Fogg‘s Wager of £20,000(菲利亚·福格先生的20000英镑赌注)

Unit 13B - Mr. Phileas Fogg's Wager of £20,000 Mr. Phileas Fogg's Wager of £20,000 Jules Verne Mr. Phileas Fogg was a precise man living in London. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club. On October 2, 1872, Wednesday, at t

新概念英语第二册 lesson5 No wrong numbers

Lesson5 No wrong numbers 1. words 1.1 pigeon⭐️ n. 鸽子(信鸽,肉鸽) dove和平鸽 homing-pigeon 信鸽 =carrier-pigeon       one's pigeon⭐️ 某人的职责或责任 =one's business or responsibility   1.2 message n. 信息,口信(可数) A pigeon carried the

现代大学英语精读第二版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——10A - Pompeii(庞贝)

Unit 10A - Pompeii Pompeii Robert Silverberg Not very far from Naples, a strange city sleeps under the hot Italian sun. It is the city of Pompeii, and there is no other city quite like it in all the world. Nothing lives in Pompeii except crickets and beet

现代大学英语精读第二版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——9A - Confessions of a Miseducated Man(一个错误教育受害者的自白)

Unit 9A - Confessions of a Miseducated Man Confessions of a Miseducated Man Norman Cousins These notes are in the nature of a confession. It is the confession of a miseducated man. I have become most aware of my lack of a proper education whenever I have

现代大学英语精读第二版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——1B - Unforgettable Miss Bessie(令人难忘的贝茜老师)

Unit 1B - Unforgettable Miss Bessie Unforgettable Miss Bessie Carl T. Rowan She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds, but Miss Bessie was a towering presence in the classroom. She was the only woman tough enough to

新概念英语(第二册)Lesson 51 - 55

文章目录 Lesson 51 - Reward for virtueLesson 52 - A pretty carpetLesson 53 - Hot snakeLesson 54 - Sticky fingersLesson 55 - Not a gold mine Lesson 51 - Reward for virtue My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he de

大学英语精读第三版(第二册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——4B - Alfred Nobel — A Man of Contrasts(艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔——一个反差鲜明的人)

Unit 4B - Alfred Nobel — A Man of Contrasts Alfred Nobel — A Man of Contrasts Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire; a scientist with a love of literature,

大学英语(第二册)复习(原文及全文翻译)——Unit 2 - he Dinner Party(晚宴)

Unit 2 - The Dinner Party A heated discussion about whether men are braver than women is settled in a rather unexpected way. The Dinner Party I first heard this tale in India, where is told as if true -- though any naturalist would know it couldn't b

《程序员的数学》第二册 (概率统计)

《程序员的数学》第二册 (概率统计)《程序员的数学》第二册 (概率统计)概率的定义概率的数学定义三扇门(蒙提霍尔问题)一一飞艇视角蒙提霍尔问题正确答案与常见错误以飞艇视角表述三元组( 0 ,F, P )一一上帝视角随机变量概率分布适于实际使用的简记方式多个随机变量之间的关系面

新概念英语第二册Lesson5:No wrong numbers

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers   无错号之虞   First listen and then answer the question.   听录音,然后回答以下问题。   What does 'No wrong numbers' mean?   Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhur
