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  baselines算法库baselines/bench/monitor.py模块代码: __all__ = ['Monitor', 'get_monitor_files', 'load_results'] from gym.core import Wrapper import time from glob import glob import csv import os.path as osp import json class Mo

2.4 FrozenLake使用cross-entropy方法

FrozenLake是gym的另一个grid world环境。其环境简单的栅格地图,有四种栅格状态,分别用字母SFHG表示,下面是一个地图的例子: SFFF (S: starting point, safe) FHFH (F: frozen surface, safe) FFFH (H: hole, fall to your doom) HFFG (G: goal, where the frisbee is located)

PYTORCH笔记 actor-critic (A2C)

        理论知识见:强化学习笔记:Actor-critic_UQI-LIUWJ的博客-CSDN博客 由于actor-critic是policy gradient和DQN的结合,所以同时很多部分和policy network,DQN的代码部分很接近 pytorch笔记:policy gradient_UQI-LIUWJ的博客-CSDN博客 pytorch 笔记: DQN(experience replay

mini_imagenet 数据集生成工具 (续)

续接前文:  mini_imagenet 数据集生成工具         ============================================   前文接受了mini_imagenet数据集的生成,但是few shot learning常用的episode学习方法是在数据集的基础上划分task episode,每个episode相当于是一个task,比如把数据集划分2000

abandon, abbreviation

abandon 近/反义词: continue, depart, discard, give up, quit, surrender搭配: altogether/completely/entirely/totally abandonedhastily/quickly abandonedeffectively/virtually abandonedformally/quietly/temporarily/voluntarily abandonedbe found|left abandoned be fo

Ninth season twenty-first episode,Chandler and Monica may never have children??????

[Scene: Central Perk] Monica: It's so weird, how did Joey end up kissing Charlie last night? I thought you'd end up kissing Charlie. Ross: Hey, I thought I'd end up kissing Charlie too ok? But SURPRISE! Chandler: I missed most of the party

Ninth season twelfth episode,Phoebe fed a bunch of rats!!!!!!

Scene: Coffee place, Joey is there, Chandler is entering Chandler: Hey Joey: Hey. So where's Mon? Chandler: Oh, she's at home, putting up decorations for Rachel's birthday party tonight. Joey: And you're not helping? Chandler: I tried,

Ninth season eleventh episode,Rachel went back to work before her birth vacation finished??????

Scene: Chandler and Monica's Chandler: Hey! Monica: Good morning, Tiger! I'm making you a nice big breakfast so you can keep up your strength for tonight. You're gonna get me good and pregnant. Chandler: I've got nowhere to go this mor

Eighth season twenty-second episode,does sex promote childbirth???????

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is showing everyone a poster as Ross enters.] Ross: Hey! What are you guys looking at? Joey: Oh, it's a poster for that World War I movie that I'm in, check it out. Ross: Yeah? Wow! It looks really violent! Joey: Uh-hu


模  型 语义记忆模块语义记忆模块指的是词嵌入(词向量表示),例如 Glove 向量,即输入文本在被传递到输入模块之前被转换成的向量。 输入模块输入模块即指标准的 GRU(或 BiGRU),每个句子的最后的隐状态是明确可访问的。 问题模块问题模块也是标准的 GRU,其中待解答的问题作为输入项,并且最


[PARL强化学习]Sarsa和Q—learning的实现 Sarsa和Q—learning都是利用表格法再根据MDP四元组<S,A,P,R>:S: state状态,a: action动作,r:reward,奖励p: probability状态转移概率实现强化学习的方法。 这两种方法都是根据环境来进行学习,因此我们需要利用P函数和R函数描述环境、 而


强化学习(一)--Sarsa与Q-learning算法 1. SARSA算法2. Q-learning算法3. 代码实现3.1主函数3.2训练及测试函数3.3 SarsaAgent类的实现3.3.1 sample函数3.3.2 predict函数3.3.3 learn函数 3.4 Q-learning算法的改变 最近实验室有一个项目要用到强化学习,在这开个新坑来记录

Seventh season fourteenth episode,everyone turned thirty??????

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is knocking on Rachel's door, whose door frame is decorated with balloons. The rest of the gang is there as well. Rachel opens the door and the gang blow on noisemakers.] Ross: Happy birthday!!! Monica: Happy birt

Seventh season fourth episode,Chandler could not take pictures!!!!!

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica and Phoebe are going through a bunch of pictures as Chandler enters.] Chandler: Hey. Monica: What's the matter? Chandler: Someone on the subway licked my neck! Licked my neck!! Phoebe: Oh Willie

Seventh season second episode,Joey found a dirty book,Rachel had porn???!!!

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, everyone is there having breakfast and Joey enters carrying a loaf of bread.] Joey: Hey! Ross: Hi! Joey: Who wants French toast? Ross: Oh, I'll have some! Joey: Good, me too. (Tosses him the loaf.) Eggs an

深度强化学习(四)Model Free Prediction

前提:一个环境可以用 MDP 进行表示,但是我们并不知道这个 MDP,我们还是想要解决问题,找到最优解 到访本站 一、Introduction 1)课程联系: 上节课: Planning by dynamic programmingSolve a know MDP 本节课: Model-free prediction 【给定一个 Policy ,我们按照这个 Policy 可

Sixth season twelfth episode,whose joke is it on playboy?????

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel and Monica are there. Ross walks in with a magazine in his hand.] Ross: Hey, you're not going to believe this. I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy. They printed it! Phoebe: I didn't know Play

Sixth season eighth episode,Ross brighten his teeth???!!!

[Scene: Joey and Janine's, Chandler knocks on the front door. Joey answers the door.] Joey: Hey. Chandler: Hi, my name's Chandler. I just moved in next door and I was wondering if you would be interested in battling me in a post-apoplectic world


episode 001 摄像头 国有企业:海康威视 迈向人工智能的时代 episode 002 垃圾短信 短信猫 --> 伪基站 --> 合法群发短信(1065,1069) --> 1065(10655,10657, 10659三大运营商)被整改封停 --> 1069(0-4) episode 004 摄像头 普通的地铁的安检(五个设备) --> 汽车安检 中国安检最为严格 ep

《Life is Strange》Episode 3: Theory(混沌理论)

全成就拍照地点 1. 维多利亚房间的手办(需要先和丹娜聊天后才能进入她的房间) 2. 宿舍院内右手边长椅上的小松鼠(靠近它会离开需要先靠近然后倒流时间) 3. 化学实验室的鱼缸(先打开鱼缸灯才能拍照,记得拍完关上哦~) 4. 化学实验室后门的叼烟骷髅 5. 进到校长办公室,给克洛伊拍


目录1、蒙特卡罗算法2、为什么要使用蒙特卡罗算法3、蒙特卡罗法求解强化学习预测问题4、蒙特卡罗法求解强化学习控制问题4.1、固定策略法4.2、非固定策略法5、总结 前面一章用动态规划解决了强化学习问题,但是这个方法只是用基于模型的方法来求解的,即我们事先是知道状态转移

The Flatmates - 3

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/JoeHou/archive/2009/01/04/1368321.html Episode 75 hang up abruptly end of story it's over   Episode 74 have high hopes     feel very positive and optimistic about the future that's that     t

题解 CF440A 【Forgotten Episode】

博客阅读更好 虽然这道题是紫题,但实际难度应该是橙题吧 首先,看到标签…… 紫题?但题目也太…… 这道题教会我们不要看标签 好了,废话少说,看到楼下许多大佬都用了数组,但我觉得可以不用 为什么? 我也弄不清楚 因为是 1 ~ n ,所以大家想到了什么呢? 对辣!就是 等差数列! 而且是最简单的首项为

Advanced Programming in UNIX Environment Episode 51

#include "apue.h" #include <pthread.h> void cleanup(void *arg) { printf("cleanup: %s\n", (char *) arg); } void * thr_fn1(void *arg) { printf("thread 1 start\n"); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread

Advanced Programming in UNIX Environment Episode 52

Mutexes A mutex variable is represented by the pthread_mutex_t data type. Before we can use a mutex variable, we must first initialize it by either setting it to the constant PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER (for statically allocated mutexes only) or calling pth