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KeyCode对照表 空格 回车 F1234567890 等键代码

keycode 8 = BackSpace 回格 keycode 9 = Tab keycode 12 = Clear keycode 13 = Enter 回车 keycode 16 = Shift_L keycode 17 = Control_L keycode 18 = Alt_L keycode 19 = Pause keycode 20 = Caps_Lock keycode 27 = Escape keycode 32 = space keyco


给大家总结了一些适合初学者练手的小脚本,希望大家在新的一年里,技术嘎嘎增长!     1.将 JSON 转换为 CSV import json if __name__ == '__main__': try: with open('input.json', 'r') as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) output = ',�


汇率转换器制作 """ 汇率转换器 输入任意的美元金额可输出相应的人民币金额 1美元为6.3508人民币 """ # 步骤1:获取数据 --- 美元 dollar = input("请输入美元:") # 步骤2:逻辑计算 --- 美元转换为人民币 rmb = float(dollar) * 6.3508 # 步骤3:显示结果 --- 人民币 print("人


测试驱动开发 尝试使用 golang 实现 TDD 示例 1. 多币种资金 资金报表 票据 股票 股价 合计 IBM 1000 25 美元 25000 美元 Novartis 400 150 瑞士法郎 60000 瑞士法郎 总计 65000 美元 汇率表 源币种 兑换币种 汇率 瑞士法郎 美元 1.5 Gherkin 表示 # l


ALDS1_1_D 在时间线上的最大利润。 Maximum Profit You can obtain profits from foreign exchange margin transactions. For example, if you buy 1000 dollar at a rate of 100 yen per dollar, and sell them at a rate of 108 yen per dollar, you can obtain (108 - 100) ×

Missing dollar riddle

Missing dollar riddle The missing dollar riddle is a famous riddle that involves an informal fallacy. It is old, dating back to at least the 1930s, although similar puzzles are much older.[1] Although the wording and specifics can vary, the puzzle runs al

Where Did the Other Dollar Go, Jeff?

Where Did the Other Dollar Go, Jeff? 多出来的一美元 三名游客来到一家旅馆,经理告诉他们,三人间的价格是30美元。游客每人掏出10美元,入住了房间。 第二天退房时,经理意识到,这间客房的定价应该是25美元,便要求服务员将多收的5美元退还给客人。服务员不诚实,仅向每位游客退还1美元,将剩

ICPC训练联盟2021寒假冬令营 Dollar Dayz

Farmer John goes to Dollar Days at The Cow Store and discovers an unlimited number of tools on sale. During his first visit, the tools are selling variously for $1, $2, and $3. Farmer John has exactly $5 to spend. He can buy 5 tools at $1 each or 1 tool a

4.1.4. Special Characters

4.1.4. Special Characters 4.1.4. 特殊字符 Some characters that are not alphanumeric have a special meaning that is different from being an operator. Details on the usage can be found at the location where the respective syntax element is described. This

洛谷 P6205 [USACO06JAN]Dollar Dayz S

题目传送门 背包,一个高精度dp #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int n,k; struct kkk{ int a[1000],len; kkk() { memset(a,0,sizeof(a)); len = 1; } }f[1001]; kkk operator +(const kk

Java-POJ1013-Counterfeit Dollar

在13枚硬币中找出fake的那一个 输入:三次天平称量结果 1 package poj.ProblemSet; 2 3 import java.util.Scanner; 4 5 /* 6 我怎么觉得是贪心算法呢? 7 起初对所有硬币标记0; 8 如果是even,则两边所有的硬币记为真(记233); 9 否则就对不确定的硬币记录怀疑(++或者--根据天

【Aizu ALDS1_1_D --- Maximum Profit】

【Aizu ALDS1_1_D --- Maximum Profit】 Description You can obtain profits from foreign exchange margin transactions. For example, if you buy 1000 dollar at a rate of 100 yen per dollar, and sell them at a rate of 108 yen per dollar, you can obtain (108

Codeforces Round #583 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on Olympiad of Metropolises) A题

A. Optimal Currency ExchangeAndrew was very excited to participate in Olympiad of Metropolises. Days flew by quickly, and Andrew is already at the airport, ready to go home. He has n rubles left, and would like to exchange them to euro and dollar bills. A

Codeforces Round #583 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on Olympiad of Metropolises) A题

A. Optimal Currency Exchange Problem Description: Andrew was very excited to participate in Olympiad of Metropolises. Days flew by quickly, and Andrew is already at the airport, ready to go home. He has n rubles left, and would like to exchange them to eu

CodeForces 996A Hit the Lottery (C)

题目 Allen has a LOT of money. He has n dollars in the bank. For security reasons, he wants to withdraw it in cash (we will not disclose the reasons here). The denominations for dollar bills are 1, 5, 10, 20, 100. What is the minimum number of bills Al

Family Dollar验厂简介|Family Dollar验厂人权部分|Family Dollar验厂质量部分

2015年以85亿美元收购了Family Dollar。合并后的公司希望通过联手,可以扩大客户群,降低成本,抵御像Dollar General和Walmart这样的大型零售商。 该连锁店为低收入购物者提供一系列商品,其超过8,000家商店的售价低于10美元。它由Dollar Tree拥有,该公司在郊区经营一家同名连锁店,拥


================Questions==================== over the past few years Don J has been grass expending across the unite states. and say the retirely going unthinkable at stand age ,when somebody break moder stool are struggling.but according to business dj