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Unit1-Book2 预习学案 pass ... on to future generations cultural heritage sites work creatively to protect the temple use context clues the cyprecesses planted on Mount Tai take part in a youth project cultural relics the former palace create Monut Tai App/App


1、Incur a heavy loss蒙受巨大损失 2、undergo遭受,经历 3、Ameliorate oneself完善自我 4、retrieve挽回,回复,回忆,补偿retrieve information检索信息 5、Vanish from the face of the earth消失的无影无踪 6、Uphold the revolutionary tradition继承革命传统 7、Demonstrate


  1.0 Introduction介绍   随着全球一体化的到来和互联网时代的到来,世界各地的文化交流空前。但是,在交流过程中也存在着一系列的问题,包括不同文化之间的冲突,如强势文化对土著文化的影响,使其面临消亡,传统文化与现代社会文明发展的冲突等。关于科学技术等(Parker,1985,第102-118页


成功相关建议 提高综合素质:enhance comprehensive quality 树立全局观:adopt an overall point of view 增强相互合作:strengthen mutual cooperation 增长见识: widen one's knowledge 坚守目标:stay with an objective 争取机会:strive for a good opportunity