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Approaches to congestion control.

http://douc54.cs.edinboro.edu/~bennett/class/csci475/spring2007/notes/ch20/seven.html     Approaches to congestion control. End to End control Stallings appears to call this Implicit Congestion Signaling For systems like TCP where there is no underlying

Computer Networking: Notes of "Select" Lectures (Chapter 3: Transport Layer)

Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach (8th ed.): Notes of "Select" Lectures   Chapter 3 Transport Layer 3.1 Introduction and Transport-layer Services Transport-layer services and protocols. Transport layer actions. •    provide logical com


阎浮提 公众号:数字后端设计芯讲堂,分享芯片设计知识和资源 数字后端基本技能之:绕线Congestion怎么解?


方法 1、修改系统变量 echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" >> /etc/sysctl.conf 2、保存生效 sysctl -p 3、查看内核是否已开启BBR sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control 显示以下即已开启: #

tcp flow control

    Congestion Control: It is used for the send to decide what is the packet size it send out due to the limitation of network bandwith.  It use slow start and fast re-transmission slow start, in the beginning of tcp start, it send small number of MSS (m


目录Congestion 问题怎么解决?1、RTL阶段2、PR阶段1、宏单元与宏单元之间2、宏单元与标准单元之间3、标准单元与标准单元之间3.1局部高密度标准单元引起的congestion3.2局部高密度pin cell导致的congestion Congestion 问题怎么解决? 1、RTL阶段 一般是由大的MUX、大的Crossbar造成