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profitable 有益的          pound 英镑 injection 注射 coat 外套 useful 有用的 liberate 释放 compromise 妥协 snow 雪 hesitate 犹豫 eleven 十一 revise 校订 palm 手掌 instinct 天性 anger 愤怒 anniversary 周年纪念日 plastic 塑料的 dinner 主餐 jealo

commit, commission, committee

commit [Origin: committere, from com- ( COM-) + mittere 'to send'] mission [Origin: missio 'act of sending', from mittere 'to send, throw'] missile [Origin: missilis 'able to be thrown', from mittere; MISSION] commi

Conf and Committees; Journals, editors and reviewers

conf/ Conference, Symposium, Workshop committee chair and members organising committee TPC advisory committee steering committee program technical sessions workshops Posters and Demos Doctoral Colloquium   journals/ [Transaction/Journal, Magazine, Le

GSS Election campaign, Zhiyun (Richard) Peng, director of finance

    campaign video link: https://youtu.be/mAN2lNJuZeM   Hello everyone! My name is Zhiyun Peng (Richard) and I am running for the position of Director of Finance. I am a TA, RA, PhD student in computing science. I have been a GSS member since 2021.1, and

疫苗加强针,打不打? | 经济学人全球早报精选

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)   2021年10月15号的清晨,来杯“经济学人浓香咖啡”,提神解困。   To boost or not to boost: the FDA mulls a vaccine strategy     Over the next two days a committee which advises the Food and Drug Administration, America’s regu