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疫苗加强针,打不打? | 经济学人全球早报精选


文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)




To boost or not to boost: the FDA mulls a vaccine strategy




Over the next two days a committee which advises the Food and Drug Administration, America’s regulator of medicines, will meet to appraise the utility of two vaccines, those made by Moderna and Janssen, as booster shots. The committee will also mull whether recipients of booster shots should only get doses from the same manufacturer that made their original doses. Evidence from Europe suggests it is safe to mix things up, and perhaps more effective than relying on a single type of jab. The committee will not vote on this mixed-dose strategy, though, only on whether to authorise boosters at all.


If it votes in favour, and the FDA signs off on it, then on October 20th and 21st another committee at the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention will meet to determine who should be eligible. A few days after that, Janssen and Moderna boosters should begin to flow. Mix and match will have to wait.


To boost or not to boost: the FDA mulls a vaccine strategy




boost 促进 ;  使增长 ;  使兴旺 ;  偷窃 ;  提高 ;  帮助 ;  激励 ;  增长 ;  功率增大 

FDA 食品和药物管理局 

mulls 长时间考虑 ;  仔细考虑 ;  mull的第三人称单数和复数 

vaccine 疫苗 ;  菌苗 

strategy 策略 ;  计策 ;  行动计划 ;  策划 ;  规划 ;  部署 ;  统筹安排 ;  战略 ;  战略部署




the Food and Drug Administration 一般指美国食品药品监督管理局,简称FDA。它由美国国会即联邦政府授权,是专门从事食品与药品管理的最高执法机关,也是一个由医生、律师、微生物学家、化学家和统计学家等专业人士组成的致力于保护、促进和提高国民健康的政府卫生管制的监控机构。




详见《吞云吐雾,美国电子烟问题,内附FDA的一个内幕 | 经济学人早报精选20210909》文章最后章节对弗朗西丝·奥尔德姆·凯尔西的介绍。


Over the next two days a committee which advises the Food and Drug Administration, America’s regulator of medicines, will meet to appraise the utility of two vaccines, those made by Moderna and Janssen, as booster shots. The committee will also mull whether recipients of booster shots should only get doses from the same manufacturer that made their original doses. Evidence from Europe suggests it is safe to mix things up, and perhaps more effective than relying on a single type of jab. The committee will not vote on this mixed-dose strategy, though, only on whether to authorise boosters at all.




appraise 评价 ;  估价 ;  估量 ;  作出评价 

utility 功用;效用

more effective 产生预期结果的 ;  有效的 ;  实际的 ;  事实上的 ;  生效的 ;  起作用的 ;  effective的比较级 

vote on 对…进行表决 

at all 完全 ;  全然 ;  一点 ;  全然,根本,究竟






杨森(Janssen)是美国强生旗下子公司,美国强生(Johnson & Johnson)成立于1886年,是世界上规模最大,产品多元化的医疗卫生保健品及消费者护理产品公司。


If it votes in favour, and the FDA signs off on it, then on October 20th and 21st another committee at the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention will meet to determine who should be eligible. A few days after that, Janssen and Moderna boosters should begin to flow. Mix and match will have to wait.




in favour 受宠;得势 ;  对…有利 ;  认为…正确;认为…有理 

A few 少许 ;  几个 ;  〔反语〕很多 ;  一点点 

after that 然后

have to 不得不 ;  必须 ;  劝告或建议时用 ;  表示一定真实或肯定发生






今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20211015” 。


科普帖:什么是The Economist Espresso?



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianzhanbiji/p/15414377.html