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Design Pattern - Facade(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsyst

Design Pattern - Flyweight(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently. Participants     The classes and/or objects partici

Design Pattern - Proxy(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. Participants     The classes and/or objects pa

Design Pattern - Chain of Responsibility(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the r

Design Pattern - Command(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and

Design Pattern - Interpreter(Java)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net  Definition Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sen