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Design Pattern - Command(Java)




Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.


    The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:

Sample Code in Java

This structural code demonstrates the Command pattern which stores requests as objects allowing clients to execute or playback the requests.

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.sample;

 * The 'Command' abstract class.
 * @author Chimomo
abstract class Command {

    // The receiver.
    protected final Receiver receiver;

     * Initializes a new instance of the "Command" class.
     * @param receiver
    protected Command(Receiver receiver) {
        this.receiver = receiver;

     * Execute.
    public abstract void execute();

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.sample;

 * The 'ConcreteCommand' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class ConcreteCommand extends Command {

     * Initializes a new instance of the "ConcreteCommand" class.
     * @param receiver
    public ConcreteCommand(Receiver receiver) {

     * Execute.
    public void execute() {

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.sample;

 * The 'Invoker' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class Invoker {

    // The command.
    private Command command;

     * Execute command.
    public void executeCommand() {

     * Set command.
     * @param command
    public void setCommand(Command command) {
        this.command = command;

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.sample;

 * Startup class for Structural Command Design Pattern.
 * @author Chimomo
class Program {

     * Entry point into console application.
     * @param args The arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create receiver, command, and invoker.
        Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
        Command command = new ConcreteCommand(receiver);
        Invoker invoker = new Invoker();

        // Set and execute command.


Called Receiver.action()
 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.sample;

 * The 'Receiver' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class Receiver {

     * The action.
    public void action() {
        System.out.println("Called Receiver.action()");


This real-world code demonstrates the Command pattern used in a simple calculator with unlimited number of undo's and redo's.

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.realworld;

 * The 'Receiver' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class Calculator {

    // The current value.
    private int currentValue;

     * The operation.
     * @param operand
    public void operation(char operator, int operand) {
        switch (operator) {
            case '+':
                this.currentValue += operand;
            case '-':
                this.currentValue -= operand;
            case '*':
                this.currentValue *= operand;
            case '/':
                this.currentValue /= operand;
        System.out.println(String.format("Current value = %3d (following %s %d)", this.currentValue, operator, operand));

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.realworld;

 * The 'ConcreteCommand' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class CalculatorCommand extends Command {

    // The calculator.
    private final Calculator calculator;

    // The operator.
    private char operator;

    // The operand.
    private int operand;

     * Initializes a new instance of the "CalculatorCommand" class.
     * @param calculator
     * @param operator
     * @param operand
    public CalculatorCommand(Calculator calculator, char operator, int operand) {
        this.calculator = calculator;
        this.operator = operator;
        this.operand = operand;

     * Execute.
    public void execute() {
        this.calculator.operation(this.operator, this.operand);

     * Unexecute.
    public void unExecute() {
        this.calculator.operation(this.undo(this.operator), this.operand);

     * undo.
     * @return
    private char undo(char operator) {
        switch (operator) {
            case '+':
                return '-';
            case '-':
                return '+';
            case '*':
                return '/';
            case '/':
                return '*';
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("operator: " + operator);

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.realworld;

 * The 'Command' abstract class.
 * @author Chimomo
abstract class Command {

     * Execute.
    public abstract void execute();

     * Unexecute.
    public abstract void unExecute();

 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.realworld;

 * Startup class for Real-World Command Design Pattern.
 * @author Chimomo
class Program {

     * Entry point into console application.
     * @param args The arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create user and let her compute.
        User user = new User();

        // User presses calculator buttons.
        user.compute('+', 100);
        user.compute('-', 50);
        user.compute('*', 10);
        user.compute('/', 2);

        // undo 4 commands.

        // redo 3 commands.


Current value = 100 (following + 100)
Current value =  50 (following - 50)
Current value = 500 (following * 10)
Current value = 250 (following / 2)
---- undo 4 levels
Current value = 500 (following * 2)
Current value =  50 (following / 10)
Current value = 100 (following + 50)
Current value =   0 (following - 100)
---- redo 3 levels
Current value = 100 (following + 100)
Current value =  50 (following - 50)
Current value = 500 (following * 10)
 *  Chimomo's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/
package chimomo.learning.java.designpattern.command.realworld;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * The 'Invoker' class.
 * @author Chimomo
class User {

    // The calculator.
    private final Calculator calculator = new Calculator();

    // The commands.
    private final List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<>();

    // The current command.
    private int currentCommand;

    public void compute(char operator, int operand) {

        // Create command operation and execute it.
        Command command = new CalculatorCommand(this.calculator, operator, operand);

        // Add command to undo list.

     * Redo.
     * @param levels
    public void redo(int levels) {
        System.out.println(String.format("---- redo %d levels ", levels));

        // Perform redo operations.
        for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
            if (this.currentCommand < this.commands.size() - 1) {
                Command command = this.commands.get(this.currentCommand++);

     * Undo.
     * @param levels
    public void undo(int levels) {
        System.out.println(String.format("---- undo %d levels ", levels));

        // Perform undo operations
        for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
            if (this.currentCommand > 0) {
                Command command = this.commands.get(--this.currentCommand);


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/chimomo/article/details/81014930