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bow, bowel, bowl

bow做动词时的读音是/bau/,做名词时的读音是/bəu/。bowel的读音是 /ˈbauəl/,bowl的读音是/bəul/。 move/empty/open your bowels = get rid of solid waste from the body bowel movement = the act of getting rid of solid waste from the body the bowels of sth = the lowe


5.6成员初始化 Java尽力保证所有变量在使用之前都被初始化,当然,编译器也可能帮你赋一个初值,但是这样反而会掩盖程序里的疏忽,所以还是尽量由程序员提供这个初值。 若数据成员为基本类型,那么编译器会在程序员没有给予初始值的情况下给他们一个约定好的默认值。定义对象引用时,若不将其


id:1 person id:2 bicycle id:3 car id:4 motorcycle id:5 airplane id:6 bus id:7 train id:8 truck id:9 boat id:10 traffic light id:11 fire hydrant id:13 stop sign id:14 parking meter id:15 bench id:16 bird id:17 cat id:18 dog id:19 horse


sem bowl;sem chopsticks[n];for(int i=0;i<n;i++) chopsticks[i].value=1;bowl.value=min(n-1,m)//bowl.value<=n-1,确保不死锁while(True){ p(bowl); p(chopsticks[i]); p(chopsticks[(i+1]MOD n); 就餐; v(chopsticks[i]); v(chopsticks[(i+1]MOD n);

get a spa facial at home withouth spending big bucks

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/kangshifu/archive/2008/11/21/1338689.html 来源:http://www.howbeauty.org/body-care/229344.htm First you will need to put about 1/4 cup of sugar into a bowl. Also put one cup of oatmeal into another bowl.

POJ 2227 The Wedding Juicer

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/xiao_wu/archive/2010/05/23/1741863.html     http://acm.pku.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/problem?id=2227     《算法艺术与信息学竞赛》一书例题(p89) , 挺不错的一道题。     能存储的水的量主要取决于最低的位置的

nyoj 547- Interesting Punch-Bowl(优先队列模拟)

题目描述:   Dr.Kong has taken a side job designing interesting punch-bowl designs. The designs are created as follows:       * A flat board of size W cm *  H cm is procured        (3 <= W <= 300, 3 <= H <= 300)       * On every 1 cm x

java程序初始化 - 副本

java程序初始化 初始化顺序 类的加载 对象的生成 1. 程序初始化的顺序 程序运行时的初始化顺序 不同属性和方法执行初始化的特点和注意事项 总结: 1、 当程序执行时,需生成某个类的对象,Java解释器会先检查是否加载了相关的类,若未加载,则会先执行类的加载,再生成对象,若已