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Let 使用方法: // 作用1:使用it替代object对象去访问其公有的属性 & 方法 object.let{ it.todo() } // 作用2:判断object为null的操作 object?.let{//表示object不为null的条件下,才会去执行let函数体 it.todo() } // 注:返回值 = 最后一行 / return的表达式 示例: // 使用


Cattle, or cows (female) and bulls (male), are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collective


In computer and machine-based telecommunications terminology, a character is a unit of information that roughly corresponds to a grapheme [书写单位], grapheme-like unit, or symbol, such as in an alphabet or syllabary [音节文字] in the written form of a natura


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报高三课标外研第13期答案汇总   In addition, there are also challenges when it comes to beauty. Today's VR headsets look almost entirely the same-they are huge and heavy and they look silly. Producers must find a way in order to mak


A playing card is a piece of specially prepared card stock, heavy paper, thin cardboard, plastic-coated paper, cotton-paper blend, or thin plastic that is marked with distinguishing motifs. Often the front (face) and back of each card has a finish [表面材料]

具体技术-restart 文献阅读Evaluating CDCL Restart Schemes

Evaluating CDCL Restart Schemes Published: March 15, 2019 Armin Biere and Andreas Fröhlich   本文可以看做是对之前重启策略的一个回顾、确认及展望。 Abstract   Modern CDCL (conflict-driven clause learning) SAT solvers are used for many practical applic

Section Three: The Great Dark Cloud Falls: IBM's Choice.

Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present (V 13.4.0) (cpushack.com) Part I: DEC PDP-11, benchmark for the first 16/32 bit generation. (1970) . . . . The DEC PDP-11 was the most popular in the PDP (Programmed Data Processors) line of minicomputers, a s


A bench is a long seat on which multiple people may sit at the same time. Benches are typically made of wood, but may also be made of metal, stone, or synthetic materials. Many benches have arm and back rests; some have no back rest and can be sat on from

炉石传说 黑石山

达基萨斯将军 LETL_843P1_01顺劈斩1(Cleave 1)Cleave 1顺劈斩1Attack an enemy. Also damage adjacent enemies.攻击一个敌人,同时对相邻的敌人造成伤害。  

ubuntu安装virtualenv成功后not found 解决方法

On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS I also faced same error. Following command worked: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv在stackoverflow上找到了答案!!这个可以


Ammunition (informally ammo) is the material fired, scattered, dropped or detonated [引爆] from any weapon. Ammunition is both expendable [not needed enough to be kept or saved] weapons (e.g., bombs, missiles, grenades, land mines) and the component parts o

allege, alone, alien, aloud, along, also

allege和claim是同义词,不要和pledge搞混。 Alone and solitary describe sb/sth that is separate from others. Lonely/lonesome describes that someone does not want to be alone and is unhappy. 前者客观事实,后者主观感受。 alien: 1. strange, unfamiliar; 2. foreign; 3.


文章标题 Short introduction. 目录文章标题TopicSee alsoDocument Title: 第一个标题应当是一个一级标题,并且应该尽可能和文件名称保持一致。第一个一级标题会被用作页面标题。Topics: 你剩下的标题应该从二级标题开始开始使用。See also: 在底部为想了解更多相关知识或没有找到


The difference between cstdlib and stdlib.h The header of the general-purpose standard library for C++, also known as cstdlib in C++, defines a core set of functions used for data type conversion, pseudo-random number generation, memory allocation, searc

Command line is too long. Shorten command line for TestWebApp or also for Spring Boot default config

  在使用IntelliJ IDEA工具开发项目,启动时报 “Command line is too long. Shorten command line for TestWebApp or also for Spring Boot default configuration.” 的错误 如下图:      处理方式:   1、右上角点击选择      2、打开后, Configuration -> Environment

1.3 Starting a New Job 1.3.4 Sample Test(III)

Part Three: Collaborative task and discussion   Your company is planning a new employee orientation program. Talk together for about 2 minutes about the things that will give the new employees a successful start and decide which three are the most importa


常用句型 While … has/have brought great convenience to us, its/their rapid development has also aroused much concern about  …. 真题例句 1、在汽车为我们带来巨大便利的同时,它的快速发展也引起了很多关于安全的担心。 while cars have brought great convenience to u


好文推荐 作者:付十一 作用域函数是Kotlin比较重要的一个特性,共分为以下5种:let、run、with、apply 以及 also,这五个函数的工作方式可以说非常相似,但是我们需要了解的是这5种函数的差异,以便在不同的场景更好的利用它。 读完这篇文章您将了解到: 什么是Kotlin的作用域函数?let

GCC online documentation | 更新至11.1

https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/ Latest releases These are manuals for the latest full releases. GCC 11.1 manuals: GCC 11.1 Manual (also in PDF or PostScript or an HTML tarball)GCC 11.1 GNU Fortran Manual (also in PDF or PostScript or an HTML ta

Learning_the_bash_Shell_Third_Edition 16/n

CHAPTER 8  Process Handling Process IDs and Job Numbers UNIX gives all processes numbers, called process IDs, when they are created. Job Control   Foreground and Background If you have only one background job running, you can use fg without arguments, and

[Bash] Chain Commands with Pipes and Redirect Output in Bash

Pipes (|) are one of the most powerful features in bash and allow you to efficiently chain commands together and send data through it. We'll also look at how output redirection works using the stdout redirect operator (>). This allows us to take t


简介:数据库是什么?未来的数据会被存在DNA里?数据库里的数据湖是什么? 1月16日,扫地僧做了一场直播,请到我的同事——数据库资深专家封神,和来自帝国理工的高级讲师Thomas Heinis(托马斯·海尼斯),2人就数据库这个话题做了比较深入的探讨,老僧印象比较深的是一些前沿的DNA储存大数据等


  Professional English this subject test full score, the teacher said I would like to deduct points, but can not find points to deduct, ha ha. At this moment, I sigh that five years ago, from the last 20 in English (the teacher thinks it’s lucky to ge

阅读清单,记多舛2020结束,for nowadays,also for future

  书名作者出版社C++模板元编程大卫 等著,荣耀 译机械工业出版社老火车的时光漫游齐栋中文在线软件调试的艺术马特洛夫人民邮电出版社凯撒的归凯撒,上帝的归上帝押沙龙中信出版社C++17 in detailBartlomiej Filipek学会工作 如何做事更高效格蕾丝•马歇尔人民邮电出版社C++面向对


OLAP Online analytical processing (OLAP) is an approach to answer multi-dimensional analytical queries swiftly in computing. OLAP is part of the broader category of business intelligence, which also encompasses relational databases, report writing and d