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allege, alone, alien, aloud, along, also



Alone and solitary describe sb/sth that is separate from others. Lonely/lonesome describes that someone does not want to be alone and is unhappy. 前者客观事实,后者主观感受。

alien: 1. strange, unfamiliar; 2. foreign; 3. 异形

When you say something, read, or laugh aloud, you speak or laugh so that other people can hear you. 仅仅是出声(≠silently). Use loudly to mean 'in a loud voice'.

1. next to the side of sth; e.g. Phoebe crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park.
2. together with; e.g. Carol had worked alongside Susan and they had become friends.
3. in comparison with; e.g. Badminton should rank alongside (=be equal to) soccer as a major sport.

1. I was walking along the street when I saw her.
2. "You're welcome to come along if you like," said Howard. "I think I'll go along and watch the game," said Raj.
3. Penny brought some of her friends along. [带来了一些她的朋友]
4. I'll be along in a minute. [马上就到]
5. Amy and Sheldon seemed to be getting along fine. [处得不错]
6. Curious tourist were ordered to move along. [继续走别停留]
7. If you string sb along, you deceive them by letting them believe you have the same desires, beliefs, or hopes as them.
8. Raj seems quite happy to tag along with the ladies. [跟屁虫]
9. Ross and Rachel were driving along 43rd Avenue when a police officer signaled to them to pull over. [靠边停车]
10. The close button is on the toolbar along the top of your screen.
11. My office is just along the hallway.
12. I've been lucky, but I've had my share of heartbreak along the way. [during a process/experience, or sb's life]

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15755853.html