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下午同事反馈,某业务场景性能测试过程中,出现异常,提供日志报: Redis command timed out   1. 先看下日志 org.springframework.dao.QueryTimeoutException: Redis command timed out; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandTimeoutException: Command timed out afte

Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final

java的lambda表达式里不能出现变量,必须是final修饰的,但是可以让变量在定义时候计算【新函数】出结果,这样就不算变量了。可以使用lambda表达式,不再报错。 例如 boolean flag = false; flag = list.size()>10;//赋值 taskExecutor.execute(() -> { if(flag){ //业务代码

Common Terms Used In AUTOSAR

Signal AUTOSAR implements signal based communication. A signal is the smallest amount of information that a CAN message can have. A signal can be of any size from 1- bit to all 64 bits of CAN message (considering the CAN message is

leetcode 面试题08.08 有重复字符串的排列组合 C/C++ 排序 + 深度优先搜索(分支限界)

#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<vector>using namespace std;class Solution {public: vector<string> permutation(string S) { sort(S.begin(),S.end()); vector<string> retVec; vector<int>

CF603E Pastoral Oddities

CF603E Pastoral Oddities 给定一张 \(n\) 个点的无向图,初始没有边。 依次加入 \(m\) 条带权的边,每次加入后询问是否存在一个边集,满足每个点的度数均为奇数。 若存在,则还需要最小化边集中的最大边权。 \(n \le 10^5,m \le 3 \times 10^5\)。 首先观察题目条件,发现 \(n\) 的大小


jmap 此命令用来查看内存信息,实例个数以及占用内存大小   jmap jmap -histo -F  27515 >  ./log.txt     查看堆信息 jmap -heap 进程Id Attaching to process ID 27515, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 25.201


A cushion is a soft bag of some ornamental material, usually stuffed with wool, hair, feathers, polyester staple fiber, non-woven material, or even paper torn into fragments. It may be used for sitting or kneeling upon, or to soften the hardness or angula


Crawl or crawling may refer to: Crawling (human), any of several types of human quadrupedal gait Limbless locomotion, the movement of limbless animals over the ground Undulatory locomotion, a type of motion characterized by wave-like movement patterns th


Cattle, or cows (female) and bulls (male), are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collective


Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a pinkish-orange color.


A police officer might be called a policeman, policewoman, police agent, or cop. In most countries, "police officer" is the generic term no matter what rank the person has. Why Is a Police Officer Called a Cop? The word "cop" is a slan


# 一键查看服务器利用率 # 1、CPU利用率 60% # 命令 top,vmstat # 2、内存 利用率 #命令 free -m # 3、 监控磁盘的利用率 #命令 df -Th # 4、tcp连接状态 侧面反映并发情况 #命令 netstat -antp #! /bin/bash function cpu(){ #NR表示行数,$13+$14表示第十三列加第14列,awk是一个

Redis - Evictions

This behavior is well known in the developer community, since it is the default behavior for the popular memcached system. Maxmemory configuration directive The maxmemory configuration directive configures Redis to use a specified amount of memory for the

[AcWing 1117] 单词接龙

DFS 点击查看代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 50 + 10; int n; string word[N]; int g[N][N]; // g[i][j]表示word[i]和word[j]的重合部分长度 int used[N]; // 记录单词的使用次数 int ans; void dfs(string s,

Relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile wi

1、一种情况是由于gcc默认使用-fPIE,所以要求链接的库也必须由-fPIE库。 解决方法是在编译是加入 -no-pie 2、还有一种情况是没有吧上次make 生成的文件清理干净。导致更改参数后make时出现这中情况   sudo make clean        sudo make

解决 MAUI 在mac上编译提示 The path 'XXXXXXX\Shared\MainLayout.razor.css' would result in a file

路径 'XXXXXXX\Shared\MainLayout.razor.css' 将导致应用程序包之外的文件并且无法使用 Description The error happens with Blazor MAUI Hybrid Project. Project compile and runs without error for Android, Android Local device & windows emulator platform and even work

asphalt /'æsfɔ:lt/, bitumen, pitch 和 tarmac都是沥青,why?

沥青 - 百度百科 沥青主要分为煤焦沥青、石油沥青和天然沥青三种。煤焦沥青是炼焦的副产品。石油沥青是原油蒸馏后的残渣。有的天然沥青储藏在地下,有的形成矿层或在地壳表面堆积。沥青主要用于涂料、塑料、橡胶等工业以及铺筑路面等。 What is the difference between "pitch" an


concept [Origin: conceptum, from the 过去分词 of concipere; CONCEIVE] conceive [Origin: conceivre, from Latin concipere 'to take in, conceive', from com- + capere 'to take'] Concepts are used as formal tools or models in mathematics, comp

react 拖拽库 react-dragable 报 TS2786: 'DraggableCore' cannot be used as a JSX component.  

TS2786: 'DraggableCore' cannot be used as a JSX component.   Its instance type 'DraggableCore' is not a valid JSX element.     The types returned by 'render()' are incompatible between these types.       Type 'React.Reac

[Typescript] Definite assignment operator

The definite assignment !: operator is used to suppress TypeScript’s objections about a class field being used, when it can’t be proven1 that it was initialized. Definite assignment operator can help with this case, if you are sure that the code will h

The function contains must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified

今天在请求jsp页面的时候后台报了这个错,截图如下 这其实是jstl的错误,jsp页面中,JSTL El表达式字符串比较常用方法有下面这些: fn:contains 判断字符串是否包含另外一个字符串 <c:if test="${fn:contains(name, searchString)}">fn:containsIgnoreCase 判断字符串是否包含另外一个字

记一次文件错误:"The process cannot access the file 'E:\TestFileManager\1.txt' because it i

最开始写的: public bool WriteInFile(string path,string words) { //首先判断,path有没有该路径,没有 则创建 //【0】判断路径 if (!File.Exists(path)) { File.Create(path);//如果不存在就创建


An error will undo all changes made to the state during a transaction. You can throw an error by calling require, revert or assert. require is used to validate inputs and conditions before execution. revert is similar to require. See the code below fo


A comb is a tool consisting of a shaft [长柄] that holds a row of teeth for pulling through the hair to clean, untangle, or style it. Combs have been used since prehistoric times, having been discovered in very refined forms from settlements dating back to


Collar may refer to: Human neckwear Clerical [神职人员的] collar (informally dog collar), a distinctive collar used by the clergy of some Christian religious denominations [宗教派别] Collar (clothing), the part of a garment that fastens around or frames the